Carl, your stats only include mass murder by a single individual. If you include terrorist attacks, most of them are perpetrated by explosives, rather than guns. The worst attack in our history was achieved by the use of box cutters. I used to work at a grocery store and I can tell you there is NO WAY box cutters are getting banned or regulated.
Owen, needles have also been a common weapon in China lately.
But you guys are right. UK has a total ban on guns; most of their cops don't even carry guns. And yet "gun crime" is less than it is in the US compared to knife crime. Less; not none. If gun control worked, that number would be 0, or at the most not statistically significant. (It's also worth noting that crime overall stayed the same when guns were banned, its just "gun crime" went down and knife crime went up).
So gun control doesn't prevent guns from being used in crime, infringes on our rights, requires additional government spending...I don't see an upside at all.