First range trip of 2025.

Mar 28, 2010
South Eastern Illinois
It was cold, wet, gray, and windy here on 1/2/25.
It has been my tradition for many years to shoot something on NYD.
Today i chose to shoot a bear with S&W66 stoked with .38spl.
Life is ever-changing. It dawned on me that I was aiming with my left eye. I have a cataract that needs attention.
Obviously, more practice is needed.

Did you shoot on New Years Day?

ETA....first bear thread of '


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I am drinking coffee right now. No range trip to be had as my membership along with everyone else's expired at midnight last night.. I have to wait for one of the 2 gunshops that handle memberships to open so I can get a new key card for the automatic gate. We finally got the gate last year and it is a nice addition.
Haven't been to the range in the new year, but did sign up for annual 3 month membership at the indoor range on 12/30. Have gotten old and soft so don't use the outdoor range when temps nose dive.
Blowing and snowing yesterday so only the dog went outside.
I'd say that bear had a bad day even if he was a day ahead of his time.
We all sound like the walking dead!
My eyes
Bad backs
Hand issues
Too cold....
Haha....i get it. I was carrying my target and gear out to shoot yesterday and I could hear Old Glory popping in the wind through my Howard Leight electronic ear muffs. I was only wearing my vest for warmth. I thought to myself, "this ain't gonna take long". I was right ....18rds later I was headed towards my mancave to clean the gun.
(Yes I ran a brush through the chambers so my 357s won't hang up)

Here's to a healthier, warmer, more range friendly 2025!
It has been my tradition for many years to shoot something on NYD.
We thought about making a tradition of filling a tag with the muzzle loaders on New Years Day. That's the last day of our split muzzle loader season and last New Years day my buddy got a doe at last light on Jan. 1st.... IMG_5590.JPG .. Back then we said we should try to do this every Jan. 1st. So yesterday we did our 2nd annual New Years Day hunt except this year it was windy & half the time we were getting snow squalls. We both saw nothing but at least we were out there. Most of what I saw from inside the blind looked like this.... IMG_6016.JPG .....Even the squirrels were nowhere to be seen. The CVA Acura 50 cal. was ready for deer action but all it did was stand in the corner.. 20241228_160710.jpg .... It was still an enjoyable day, and as I like to tell folks; "You'll never get a deer by sitting on the couch at home".
Sure can relate to a frozen tundra analogy; although I'm still pretty regular year round. IMG_0066.JPG . Years ago I even used to chronograph handloads at about 10 degrees to compare with velocities on a hot summer afternoon. Not that hardcore anymore in my old age but us retired guys still get to the range on weekdays and avoid the weekend crowds. Nothing like having the whole place to yourself on a beautiful summer morning.. IMG_8184.JPG . Summer will get here eventually. Planning on my first range trip of 2025 this coming week, despite the long range forecast high temps are all someplace in the 20's.
Just made first 2025 range trip to indoor range. Checking on alterations to a SA 35 and BHP. Was gonna chrono some 44 mag sub sonic, but garmin crapped out.
2 indoor range trips since my last post. Trip 1 was with the Sig 322 and mostly weak hand. Decent results and a good reminder to shoot weak hand regularly. Trip 2 was yesterday. Put about 80 rounds downrange with the new Zev OZ9 Combat and shot at tiny little dots at 25yrds with the Mossberg 144LSA. Very relaxing.
I went out New Years eve and shot my SIG P210A, Beretta M9, Colt Government series 80, and my ZPAPM70 AK. My wife and I have a saying: Whatever you do on New Years Eve, you'll do all the following year. We try to have fun on the last day of the year in every way. Otherwise, it has been too wet or too cold or both so far this year. Hoping to go out on the 13th when the temp will be 48F.