FL wanting to tax gun and ammo sales to pay for school security

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it's amazing how much we can give in welfare to those who will never work, but mental health is not a worthy cause.

Florida doesn't, but a Fla rep, Linda Stewart, introduced a convoluted nonsense bill that seems to require that, to comply, you must walk around town to get next door.

Now, in coming re-election efforts, Miss Stewart can proudly say, "I introduced this safety measure that would..."

Smoke and mirrors.

Then let the nra hold that fund to make sure it is distrubuted where it needs to go.
But... It's for the children....

Time to cut some of the educational funding fat and protect the kids with it since it's clearly not a priority that they be educated to be competitive in a modern world.

I guarantee there isn't a school in America in which I couldn't find the funds for protection without lessening the educational level of the school. In addition, it's likely that by exercise the school may be more effective in teaching by trimming some fat and distractive, non-essential expenses/activities.
There's a poll there as well.

With all the money from the Florida Lotto intended to bolster the state's education system, there should already be plenty of money left over for extra security.

(That was tongue in cheek in case it's difficult to read dry humor.)
And, other than sending your 'net address to the pollsters, what is accomplished by clicking a button? Nothing good, I wager.

To have an objection taken kinda/sorta/semi-seriously, write it out longhand, put it in an envelope, lick the goo, and mail it. Supposedly, that reponse carries more weight than an e-mail, polls, or an unreadable scrawl on a petition.


Post # 9. Now there is a contridiction of terms.

And yesterday Scott just announced a $2500 raise for all full time teachers - the budget has the money. let them take some of the Lotto money and buy the stuff
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