front sight focus

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I wrote years ago on the part you mentioned;

Speed and accuracy need and can work together, which is to get hits as soon as possible.
Pressing the trigger at the speed needed to control the sights to hit your target is what it's all about.

If the threat is in anyway difficult to hit, you will need to slow down on the trigger and focus more on sight alignment.
If the threat is close and easy to hit, then this is no time for a bullseye type group, in fact, you need to be pounding shots into the threat as fast as possible and stop the threat NOW! Most of the time you will be somewhere between the two above examples.

Practice this process slow at can't train the brain with speed.

Your decision on how fast vs. how slow to press the trigger, how much front sight vs. combat look through and/or body index is based on two things, your perception of the threat situation AND your perception of your skill with your equipment.

If you practice only one trigger press and sight alignment you are a target shooter and not preparing yourself properly for the street, and doing yourself an injustice. Recognize the need for different levels of trigger press and sight alignment, practice at those levels and in between. In the fight have the ability to adapt to the situation smoothly.
After a few trips to the range applying what I learned here I had a break through day last trip. Very few flyers and much tighter groups. Wichaka's pointing/looking away and back again exercise was a great illustration. Frank's explanation of the four step process was very helpful. My sight picture comes quicker, my focus quickly moves to the front sight while starting a smooth trigger press. My follow up shots are coming faster without consciously trying to speed it up.I was spending too much time trying to get my sight picture perfect followed by a rushed trigger press. Right now I'm focusing on getting a quicker sight picture, a brief front sight focus and a smooth trigger press. My goal now is to keep practicing these three steps without having to consciously think about it.
Also, don't sacrifice your grip for trigger finger placement...grip comes first.

Shooting slow vs fast are two different things...different priorities.
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