Had a friend who wanted to learn to shoot a firearm and asked me if we could go shooting someday. He was mainly interested in a SD handgun. I arranged a range trip and went over the 4 rules and range requirements as we drove there. Started with a .22 revolver then on to a 357 snubby with powder puff 38 SPL loads finally progressing to 357 HP's. After reloading both revolvers numerous times he stated he wanted to get a revolver like the ones they had on TV as they never needed to reload them. He then asked if there was a big price difference and asked me why did I not own one of the "high capacity" ones yet.
I had some explaining to do and brought a 9MM and 45 ACP the next time to see if he thought pistols were better suited for his needs. He now has a S&W Bodyguard airweight in 38 SPL+P because as he stated " I don't have to think so hard when in a hurry".