get training

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
Maybe a new personal favorite for me. I am constantly conflicted between getting new fiddles or new firearms.
I'm not sure about the "fighter" language, either. Maybe something more along the lines of "Both of these instruments require practice to use proficiently. Get training!"

I like the concept/picture, though!
Maybe it needs a url on it to provide an avenue to that training?

Howabout THR? Others?
A violinist would normally hold a violin at rest in her left hand, since her bow hand would be her right (the position of the chin rest confirms this). Since the gun's in her left hand I'm assuming she's a lefty?

Love the pic. Personally, I think "fighter" is appropriate too.
The model is right-handed but we had her pose as a lefty so that item 1 and 2 lined up in the direction people normally read.
I love it! Too many people saying "What gun should I get?" and not enough saying "How should I train?" at THR. A trained person with a 5-shot .38 Airweight is better armed than an untrained person with a fully automatic M4.
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