Getting a CZ SP-01 Phantom/question about clips & stuff?

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Oct 22, 2008
The other day I was at Impact guns here in Boise checking one of these out. I decided I had to have one before it gets banned by President elect O'grab-a-gunna.

Anyways it feels great and I think it built with quality parts. The polymer plastic feels like the same kind used to build my old HK USP compact
.40 cal. I have never owned a CZ but have read nothing but good stuff. They wanted $599 but I found it at for $557.


1. It sounds like the SP-01 takes Magnum Research Baby Eagle mags? and most CZ .9mm mags. What other mags should I look for. I read somthing about buying mags you can get rebuild kits for, what kind are they and what parts do I want to rebuild on mags I buy for this gun?

2. Any other little tune-ups recommended for this pistol? springs or anything else?

3. What kind of .9mm ammo you all recomend?

4. Does Fobus make a holster that will fit? What kind of hip holster should I get?

I just got my Phantom, but it is like my other CZs - wonderfully accurate and reliable, just much lighter than my SP-01 Tactical. I shoot Seiller and Bellot, which is a Czech ammo that CZ uses in the factory. You can get it for around $9.50 a box at Natchez Shooters Supply
(link: ). I don't know about magazines or holsters, but I shoot the Phantom even better than its heavier cousin, the SP-01. A great new CZ.

My CZ SP-01 metal has so far eaten every type of 9mm I have thrown at it including Wolf steel case without any issues since the first 100 rounds break in (2 FTF's due to a sharp mag lip, 1 FTE no apparent reason.....).

If you want a spare parts kit, tuning work etc, Ghostholster/CZ Custom are the folks.

The SP-01 takes any regular CZ mag, Mec-Gar and Promag both make them, Mec-Gar are the better of the two IMHO.

Oh, holsters can be a bit of a pain, I found the ones for the SIG 239 .40 work, go to the CZ forum site for details of others such as HBE etc.

Get some MecGar mags..only about $20 each..nicely made.

all the CZs I have had..shot great with most ammo..have heard some problems with the aluminum cased Blazer..but other than that..all seems good.

The CZs can benefit from some new springs, and an action job..but shoot it first and see what you think..before making any changes.

About 3 years ago I barely knew what a "CZ" was. I bought one on a whim. Now, all my absolute favorites, the must take to the range guns, are CZ's.

I really can't believe it. I went from one to 5. Yes, I think you will be very pleased with your purchase. I currently own the following, and I am trying really hard not to buy another.

CZ-75/.40S&W/9mm/.22 Kadet

This may be your list, or similiar, in 3 years.
1. It sounds like the SP-01 takes Magnum Research Baby Eagle mags? and most CZ .9mm mags. What other mags should I look for. I read somthing about buying mags you can get rebuild kits for, what kind are they and what parts do I want to rebuild on mags I buy for this gun?

You can get CZ Mec-Gar magazines for $150-$20 all day long online and in gun shops. there are standard 16 rounders for 9mm and the more costly 19 rounders for the specific sp-01 that has a longer magazine tube length.

2. Any other little tune-ups recommended for this pistol? springs or anything else?

shoot as is. if you want a sport shooting/competition trigger, join us at and check out our trigger job threads there. out of the box, my fiance and i shoot the sp-01 in both production and limited division uspsa.

3. What kind of .9mm ammo you all recomend?

anything, really. winchester white box is cheap and goes bang every time. poor man's match ammo.

4. Does Fobus make a holster that will fit? What kind of hip holster should I get?

see for correct holsters. there are a few to choose from. for sport shooting, many like the blade-tech dropped offset holster. we use the out-of-box springfield XD holster... not exactly the right fit, but it works perfect for sport shooting.

hope that helps. :)
Easy enough!

I thought there was some procedure for braking in barrels?

Lots of info on breaking in rifle barrels but pistols just don't seem to have the same problems. I just went through a bunch of the research on that same topic and all the answers were pretty much what burningsquirrels said above.

I did break down and at least cleaned it a couple of times during the first 1000 rounds.

Oh, CZ Shadow in my case. And the gun is far better at shooting than I'll ever be.
MY CZ Phantom has been truely awesome up until I reached about 750 rounds. Now it will not feed the first round of target ammo out of a newly inserted clip. The first round lodges at a diagonal half way into the barrel when you cycle the slide, it looks like it is getting hung up on the case edge at the top of the barrel. The only way to get it to work is to drop the clip and cycle the slide ejecting the round that is half way into the barrel. Then insert the clip, pull the slide and insert a bullet into the barrel and fire. It works normal from then on. If you try to push the cartridge into the barrel by opening the slide it will go in but will not seat all the way and the slide stays open by about an 1/8 of an inch. This is my first CZ and I can't figure it out...

Anyone know how to fix that? It feeds hallow point just fine...

As far as a holster goes you can now get pretty much anything from Blade-Tech that you want. This is an email I got from Bobby at Blade Tech, I'm sure he won't mind me posting it here:

Hey Guys,
I heard that you guys have made the mold for the CZ SP01 Phantom, is this true? Please let me know what models you will carry for it. I am looking for a couple different styles.


Nels Erik


Absolutely, we can manufacture a IWB, UCH, Paddle holster, Belt holster and Tek-Lok holster. Please contact customer service 253 655 8059 to place an order.


Bobby McGee
Media Relations Manager
Blade-Tech Industries
5530 184th St E, Suite A ♦ Puyallup, WA 98375 ♦ 877.331.5793 Toll Free ♦ 253.655.8066 Fax
You are going to be in for a very nice surprise when you shoot your Phantom. The trigger is much, much nicer in actual fire than in dry firing. You will find that that the trigger improves greatly after the first few times that you shoot it. When I picked the gun up the first time in a shop and dry fired it I set it down and walked away from it for a week disappointed. Knowing that there are some triggers that you can't judge by dry firing only and have to shoot (HK, for example), I acquired the gun and have been thrilled with it since. You will also find that the decocker loosens up a good deal with use and will be much better down the road.

Dry firing it (use snap caps) will speed up the improvements.

BTW, with such a low bore axis you will find muzzle flip to be minimal and return shots quick despite the gun's very light weight.

You have chosen a winner. If I had to take a handgun into battle this would be it.
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