GF does NOT like guns...

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I think this is something a lot of us have dealt with at some point, in one way or another. :p

One thing I'd add that might be contrary to a lot of what you may be hearing here is to leave politics out of it. One reason many 'liberals' shy away from guns is indeed a cultural thing- and yes, sometimes it seems like if you get involved in shooting you run the chance of being surrounded by right-wing conservative Christians.

But ya know, there are actually people who are fond of firearms related activities, who enjoy guns, who also don't like our current administration, who tend to choose environmental issues over development, who believe in global warming and the need for population control, who vote pro-choice, who are all different skin colors, ages, and genders.

I think places like this sometimes encourage this whole 'us versus them' mentality that does more harm than good. It's not a package deal- if she wants, she can decide to try firearms without having to vote Republican, drive a truck, or listen to Country music. It's not all stereotypes here- or shouldn't be, anyway.

That said, it's also worth getting some more specifics on what she objects to. If it's the safety issue for having kids or strangers around the house, fine, that's valid- get a safe. I also got a Steyr M40 as my first handgun; the wife was reassured some by the multiple safeties and the built in lock (all of which are optional, by the way).

One of the reasons my wife hasn't gone shooting with me yet is our small child, and lack of a babysitter. That's fine, I'll wait. She also has had some problems with post-partum depression, and didn't want easy access to any effective suicide tools. Again, that's fine; everything is kept locked in ways she can't get at it very easily.

Granted, I'm still trying to talk her into the shotgun my dad's trying to sell me...

If you want to take her to a range that is pretty squared-away, I suggest Gilbert's in Rockville. It may not be too far from "Central Maryland," and is pretty "professional" most of the time.

All new shooters have to watch a safety video, and the range staff are very helpful. (If you are buying something, that may be a different story). I'm a member. Their website is It will run you $50 for a "one month membership," though, but what's money when you're trying to save a relationship.

(You will have to buy ammo at the range, though)

FWIW, I've been where you are (minus the purchased house, though), and it came down to a values gut-check. I have since married someone else. :cool:
She gets in a heated rage whenever I bring up the subject, and will not budge on the issue.

Why would you want a relationship with a person who goes into an irrational fit over inanimate objects?
You've already bought a house with her? And you are not married to her? How does that work, exactly?

Don't want to echo what everyone else has said, but man, do I ever feel sorry for you.... and that isn't meant as an insult in the least.

Just to add some happiness to this thread: My GF's first time shooting a firearm in the last ten years (pic taken a few weeks ago): :)

Your girlfriend is irrational. Being indifferent to firearms is quite different to hating them. She has no understanding of them due to ignorance. I would point out to her that her attitude towards firearms is as bigoted as racists who have never spoken to a person of color, homophobes who have never spoken to a homosexual, atheists who have never studied religion, etc.

Now, since her sister is a police officer, you should pull articles on the following 2 legal cases: Warren v District of Columbia and Town of Castle Rock v Gonzalez. In both of these cases, people depended solely upon the protection of police officers with tragic consequences. They were denied relief, because the government and its agents (i.e. police officers) are not liable for failure to protect an individual. So ask your girlfriend what contigency plan should be in place if someone is breaking into your mutual home and the police fail to respond?

Here is a good layman's website on this issue:

If she is reasonably well educated she should understand that a firearm is an inherently dangerous tool just like a chef's knife, a bat, an axe, a machete, matches, lighters, etc. ; i.e. things that must be used responsibly but are not to be feared.

Also keep in mind that should you choose to marry this woman, she can easily file a restraining order against you, which will cause you to lose nearly all of your firearms rights until the order is rescinded. However, the police can (and in Maryland will) seize your firearms while you are under an R.O.

While she may be a "perfect" woman in every way but firearms, there are plenty of other women out there. Why should you give up your firearms? Why isn't it just as fair for her to give up her crazy liberal friends?
Problem = GF does NOT like guns...

Solution = Replace anti gun GF with pro gun GF

Trying to live under those conditions will only cause you pain and heartache.
Better to call it quits and move on.


Adding some happiness to this thread would be to tell us that your GF has a sister who's single. :D
She also is hearing from her friends that she cannot cave on this issue, because she needs to exert her right to make decisions and stick by them or some crap . She puts a lot of value in the opinions of others (except me).
Sounds like my ex-wife. Many years ago she pulled a, "If you don't do this I'm leaving!" I showed her where the door was in case she forgot.

She kept pushing over the years on a number of issues. Finally, the deciding factor was her blood-sucking leech brother who had been living with us and was an ungrateful trash mouth SOB. I ran him off and she went with him.

Strangely, she never said much about my guns, other than she thought I spent too much on them. However, compared to her 'hobbies' I was downright frugal.

Life is too short to be married to someone who thinks they can change you.

wait a sec... not married, but "bought a house together"? Huh? Never heard of that!

If the paperwork is joint, get your name removed via whatever means necessary. Take a loss if you have to, it'll probably be less than what you'll lose in the eventual divorce...

If the paperwork is in her name, *EJECT!EJECT!EJECT!*

If it's in your name: get an RO against her ("Your Honor, she flies into a rage whenever we discuss certain topics, which makes me fear for both my safety and hers") and evict her butt. Rent the house out to someone if ya have to...

Oh... little note about relationships: you are NOT looking for someone who has the same attitudes about EVERYTHING as you do. That would be a dull existance. My parents (who were married for 30+) had nothing in common except the love they shared. Just food for thought...
Folks, it ain't the package, it is what resides in the package. A box of ???? wrapped in christmas paper is still a box of ????. Extricate yourself and think with the proper organ.
Hey if you love her, stay. Just do as you want. Buy what you want. If a woman really loves you she will put up with an amazing amount of ????.

If she leaves you because you own guns, well, what you had wasn't love. You were a pet that would not obey.
Granting that you...

might want to actually stay in this relationship, maybe the "angle" you are looking for is what makes the police different from you?

I've never been able to understand why regular citizens seem to think police officers have some type of magical powers when it comes to firearms.

Some questions come to mind. Does she fly into a rage when her sister is around her with a gun? If not, why not? Ask the sister to give you the same training she received as a police officer in the use of firearms.

You seemed to indicate her father was no longer a police officer. If this is true does he still have firearms? Does she fly into a rage when she is around her fathers firearms?

but we bought a house together last year, so I don't think she's just another passing GF.

What the hell were you thinking?!?!? :what:

You made a major investment:

A. With someone you have no attachments to?

B. With someone who does not respect you as a man, much less a person?

Are you out of your mind? :banghead:
Good catch ttbadboy.

The thing to remember in a relationship is that the two of you get together
because of who you are... not who you might become. This isn't the NYSE.
Looking down that road it isn't going to get any better.

Tell her you are intolerant of her dismissing of you interests... when
she says too bad, state you are appalled at her intolerance of your
intolerance. :neener: It makes about as much sense.

Seems as though you both are trying to change each other, she just seems
way less reasonable than you.

She gets in a heated rage whenever I bring up the subject

Don't settle, remember....

Compromise and Exception lead to FAILURE. :evil:
As many of the married 'veterans' have pointed out, things that you can overlook or tolerate now will only get worse later. Believe it!!! You're still thinking too much with the little head and not enough with the big head. Ravencon hit it:
The brutal truth is that most young men fail to seriously analyze the compatability of values (or lack thereof) with their girlfriends and the long term consequences that arise from that.

You have been given a lot of advice ranging from 'discuss it as two adults and try and work it out, if not get out', to "RUN! RUN! RUN!', but the bottom line is still get out. Please take it to heart. No one here has a dog in this fight, you are getting objective (though free, worth what you paid for it) advice. Yes, it will be painful and probably expen$ive, but no where near as painful and EXPEN$$$IVE if you pursue this folly.

Don't be among the "too soon old [and divorced and broke], too late smart" walking wounded. Good luck to you.
That statement about sums it up....this is really the ONLY issue we REALLY disagree on.....everything else, politics, religion, paint colors,furniture; we see eye-to-eye on.
Come on Silverbird.....tell everyone about your other Passion that she also Hates. ;)
Pw Attire

Certainly there is compatablity issues here, the question is do you want to spend the next 30 years or so letting someone else control your relationship or do you want a "partner" in life's journy? Only you can decide, but on something this vital you at least want someone who will accept your beliefs and interest or just start wearing hats and shirts with a big PW logo on it. :evil:
Run that is right run do not walk to the nearest exit. This reminds me of some sagely advice I got from a good and wise friend who tried to tell me not to marry my second wife.
“Stand in the door on the green light push yourself forward as hard as you can, then enjoy the wind and the freedom.” (Airborne jump instructor and my best man the night before my wedding to wife number 2) shoulda listened to him.
You can not ever have a rational discussion with a Rabid Anti so do not try, have a fling and get your jolly hohos but as far as sticking around goes make it a Teflon relationship heat it up get it cooked and slide on outa there.

I'd take her plinking with something Mild late afternoon and then take her to Her favorite restraunt for a fantastic meal Don't forget the Wine. If she refuses to go or soften up it's not about GUNS.........I wish you the best.. Essex
She gets in a heated rage whenever I bring up the subject...

She puts a lot of value in the opinions of others (except me).

Now I'm wanting a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th gun, but she's not budging. Not even through inheritance, where I stand to inherit a ~WWI 1911 ca1918, and my grandfathers rifle ca mid-1800's.
Well, enjoy not inheriting them, then.

We bought a house together last year...

...but I'm hooked, and there's no turning back. Like having sex.
To expand on your analogy:
Remember, though there may be no turning back from sex once you've had it- you wouldn't have sex with a beautiful woman that had an STD would you? Or would you blissfully carry on hoping it would just go away later?

The thing is, is that I feel like there's an angle that I could take to help convince her that me having guns is a GOOD THING. I just can't figure out what that angle is...
Ah, the classic "I can change him" mentality.

She's going, "The thing is, is that I feel like there's an angle that I could take to help convince him that having guns is a BAD THING. I just can't figure out what that angle is..."

Imagine her trying to convince you to allow another guy to join in your relationship- could she find the perfect persuasive argument that would "convince" you to come around to that idea?

Yes, from your descriptions, she probably is that resistant to guns.

I guess I will just have to find a place to shoot, and pressure her to come out with me. Hopefully she'll take to it like some of the other significant others in this thread.
Pressuring her is probably a very bad idea if her friends are telling her to "make a stand"- look at the advice here to her "pressuring" you.

Good luck to you if you choose to continue stay together- enjoy it while it lasts (your owning guns that is...). May that miracle change of heart you're hoping for actually come true, maybe it will...

<-- female

The thing is, is that I feel like there's an angle that I could take to help convince her that me having guns is a GOOD THING. I just can't figure out what that angle is.
Silverbird ~

You've got the cart before the horse. You don't need to convince her that your owning guns is a good thing. Not at first. You have to start by respecting yourself.

But since you've already rejected the idea of being your own person, and have ceded your human dignity to someone else, now you're sitting there going, "Well, if I only plead with the woman who owns me long enough, in just the right way, eventually she'll relent and let me have my way on this."

The way to convince your woman that you have her permission to own guns is simply to become a human being -- in her eyes and in your own. Once you are a human being, you will be entitled to an opinion of your own, and she will respect it.

As you said, "She puts a lot of value in the opinions of others..." So she doesn't have a problem with other people having opinions. Then you add, "... (except me)." What's different about you? What's different about you is that she owns you. She thinks you are her. And you think she is you. That's why you need her permission to do stuff. That's why she gets enraged when you dare to express an opinion different from hers -- because she thinks you are merely an extension of her, not a person of your own.

Unless and until that little problem is fixed, you probably shouldn't own guns.


The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things. -- Jilly Cooper

I think the most important answer to your question isn't about firearms, which others have already alluded to in prior posts. It's great that you agree on most, your interests don't have to be the same. However, chances are, the way she is reacting to something you AREN'T in agreement about will be a pattern for your future life together. Translation...if you are seeing angry and irrational as a response now, get used to angry and irrational as a standard response -- whether it is something as mundane as who takes out the garbage, or as important as whether or not firearms will be "allowed in the house".

The reason that I feel I should wax eloquent on this subject is because I have had an EXTREMELY bad experience that relates to this very thing...well, the relationship thing, anyway. It didn't directly relate to firearms, until I was falsely accused of abuse, and my firearms were taken away for more than a year while I dealt with a restraining order, criminal charges, etc. Not pleasant, and more so since it was a thinly veiled tactic to attempt to destroy something that is really important to me. Thankfully, all charges were dropped when Loopy Doo demonstrated her story-telling ability in court. A divorce, about $25,000, and countless court dates later, my firearms are back and Nutty Buddy is gone. Divorce is not a good thing, but I was certainly saved from a terrible fate -- yes, it could have been worse.

I know it is easy for someone not in the situation to say "just get rid of her", but having been there, chances are there is more to it than that. You have a house and life together; I was married. My advice would be to look carefully at her actions, because this is a pretty good indication of how she'll react to other disagreements. If you are a laid back guy (like me) and tend to compromise most of the time while thinking you are being the bigger person -- it is only enabling the other person to take advantage of you. When you finally figure out what is going on and stand up and say "enough", that is when things really fall apart.

OK, Counsellor Ben is all done...sorry, after reading your post I just had some serious flashbacks...thought I was in the 'Nam. I just would not wish my experience of the last few years on anyone; especially not an unsuspecting fellow gun owner...
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