Give your best estimate.....

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Dec 24, 2002
What percent of U.S. citizens do you think are for moderate or severe gun control?.........what percent do you think are for little or no gun control?.......what do you base your estimate on?
A majority of people supported the AWB. This is well documented in various polls done by both sides of the debate.

However, many of them didn't understand what the AWB was all about... a lot thought it banned machine guns.

Fortunately a very small but vocal group of gun owners got the point across to Congress, so it expired.

So my point is, most people don't know enough about guns and gun laws to have a meaningful opinion of gun control.
I'm guessing 75% are for moderate to severe gun control. Besides majority support for the AWB, other surveys show high support for backround checks, mandatory safety locks and consumer safety regulations.
I think 75% is way high. I'd bet it's closer to the red/blue split, with a few otherwise conservative soccer-mom types willing to have "common-sense" moderate gun control. But the 40% or so Americans who are pro-RKBA are really pro-RKBA.

TFL Survivor
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