Glock or Glock Clone?

  • Glock

    Votes: 33 47.8%
  • Glock clone

    Votes: 18 26.1%
  • Glock Gen5 (I don't like the gen3)

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • I have both and love both

    Votes: 11 15.9%

  • Total voters


Contributing Member
Jan 21, 2020
Wisconsin Again
I see that Ruger has announced a new semiautomatic that can use several Glock parts and holsters. The RXM a joint venture between Ruger and Magpul.
Along with many other clones from PSA and other manufacturers brings a question.
Glock or Glock clone?
How many pistols has Ruger introduced that are no longer made.
Compare that to Glock (and I don't mean different generations 2, 3, 4) like did they quit making a model, 26, 27, ect.
Thus, original > clone
Glock or Glock clone?
Glock (gen 3 specifically) is evolving into the dominant universal semiauto pistol platform, similar to what the AR-15 has become for the autoloading rifle market.

If that parallel continues, then real OEM Glock pistols will continue to be the standard by which clones are judged, with some being inferior and others being equal to and occasionally superior to that standard known quantity.

60 years later, how much of the commercial AR market is still Colt and Armalite?
Gen 5 Glock has no G37/G38/G39

To be fair, Glock really only makes one gun, a polymer framed, striker fired, semi-auto pistol. Until fairly recently, all were double column guns.

Ruger produces and has produced a whole bunch of stuff, from revolvers, both SA and DA, to semi-auto's in aluminum framed and polymer framed, in DA/SA and striker configurations, to semi-auto rifles, bolt action rifles, and single shot rifles, and probably other stuff I didn't list.

I would choose the Glock.
At what point is it no longer a glock clone? If it fixes all the ergonomic issues and has more features and is a chassis gun... is it still a Glock clone or is it a new thing? Is every striker-fired polymer wondernine a glock clone? Is Every AR-15 manufacturer a Colt clone? Or is the platform so ubiquitous that it's its own thing now?

Enquiring minds want to know
Gen 5 Glock has no G37/G38/G39

To be fair, Glock really only makes one gun, a polymer framed, striker fired, semi-auto pistol. Until fairly recently, all were double column guns.

Ruger produces and has produced a whole bunch of stuff, from revolvers, both SA and DA, to semi-auto's in aluminum framed and polymer framed, in DA/SA and striker configurations, to semi-auto rifles, bolt action rifles, and single shot rifles, and probably other stuff I didn't list.

I would choose the Glock.
I was a little surprised that Ruger went down this path.
I was a little surprised that Ruger went down this path.
Yeah, I used to get surprised by this. First I can remember is when SIG started making 1911s. What in THE hell are they thinking? Then everyone and their dog started making 1911s (including Ruger, which I also was surprised by, but shouldn't have been by that time). Same with AR-15s (remember when Ruger first offered their AR-15? Mad Murdock was spinning in his padded cell). Same with "Glocks" now. Every gun mfg has to come up with new new new every year to attract attention and business and the ideas are all pretty much used up. Once in a while you get something innovative, but mostly it's an X version of something that already exists (or has existed) in some form.

Ruger has made an entire company based on borrowing, improving, copying, maybe stealing others' designs and ideas. It's not uncommon. Pretty much every manufacturer has done it if they're honest. Generally, Ruger can either make it more cheaply or improve its durability or add some other feature that wasn't present on the original design. I have no problem with this as long as no patents are infringed upon or licenses are acquired. Ruger knows how to make good, reliable firearms.
If the price is right, doesn’t matter. I’ll take the cheapest option as long as the quality is there, and with magpul it should be.
I have 3 GEN5 Glocks and a G42. With the patent running out on the Gen 3 companies are capitalizing on it. The Gen 4 & 5 has improvements over the Gen 3.

If the clones included a reversible magazine release and ambidextrous slide release. I would consider it. Without I will stick with my Glock Gen5s.
I understand that with the entry-level PSA Dagger you can get a clone for several hundred less and to some people that is the difference in owning a decent handgun or not...
Police trade in Glock 19 or 17 for $320. Send it toGlock for a fluff and buff and call it good. Or buy an RSA extractor and spring and do it oneself
Glock is a safe bet and used ones can be had for less than most anything else new because of all of the police trade-ins out there. Glock will replace any worn parts on any of their pistols at no cost for life. Just contact Glock and send it back to the factory and they will refurb the gun and ship it back to you. Most of the police trade-ins have already been refurbed before being sold.

I'd been looking for a deal on a G22 and found a dealer at a gun show a few months back with a box full of them for $300 OTD. I picked out a gen 4 that literally looks unfired then ordered a 9mm conversion barrel. For $450 I can shoot either cartridge from the same gun.

The new Ruger looks nice and being a Ruger will probably function fine. Making another gun that takes Glock magazines is a good idea. They simply work, are cheap, and are everywhere.

My only 1st hand experience is with a Shadow Systems G19 Clone. I wanted to try an optic, none of my other guns had the cut in the slide and the Shadow System gun came with it. I don't know why, but the local Academy had them on sale for $550 last summer. That's normally a $700 gun and a MOS Glock with the cut was $600.

Other than the cut for an optic it's no better or worse than a Glock. No issues with mine, but I wouldn't have paid more for it than a Glock. If the street price on the new Ruger is substantially less than Glock I'd certainly consider one.
I wouldn’t be the field tester for any new product , like the Ruger / Magpul product , or even Gen4 to Gen5 . But I am thankful for you pioneers that do and give your reviews . Do I think Glock is the best polymer striker fired pistol , no . I do consider it the standard to beat and compare to . I have 2 Glocks , a Gen3 and a Gen5 that I recently bought after renting it and a PDP . I shot the Glock so good that I decided that I didn’t need to try anything else and bought the Gen5 34 .
I like the Glock 21. The Glock 9 MM's don't interest me at all. I had a G17 and tried to like it for a year and then sold it for more than I paid for it. Nest to CZ's Glock are Blah.
Putting all Glock clones together as one choice doesn’t make a lot of sense. My Zev OZ9 Elites, while not cheap, are much nicer than my Glocks. The cheap Glock clones I don’t care for.

Am personally a fan of the Shadow Systems clones. Can change the grip angle, no optic plates needed, interchangeable parts with Glocks, fit Glock holsters. Plus they have a replacement policy if your gun isn’t returned after a justified situation.
Am personally a fan of the Shadow Systems clones. Can change the grip angle, no optic plates needed, interchangeable parts with Glocks, fit Glock holsters. Plus they have a replacement policy if your gun isn’t returned after a justified situation.
Yeah those aren’t bad either. I sold the one I had to a friend that really wanted it.

My only complaint was the super light weight. The Zev’s have a steel subframe, which I love.
Out of my last three Rugers, two went back to the mothership (and got quickly and effectively repaired) and the third should have (Wrangler that keyholes) but I'm too lazy.

OTOH, I've got a PSA Dagger that outshoots all my Glocks and P-80's very easily, and hasn't ever bobbled with any ammo I've put through it.

Clones can be fine, but the Ruger part would have me hesitating.

In my opinion Glock clones make sense if they cost significantly less than the original, possibly less than a used original. I am not a Glock clones expert but I think a PSA Dagger or a Derya DY9 imported from Rock Island Armory would be a better choice than a Ruger RXM, as per what I wrote above.
While not my favorite, nor most cherished, handguns, I have four 9mm Glocks (G17, G26, G19, G45). They just work.

Same can be said for my two PSA Daggers, and I'm guessing the same for the majority of other Glock clones. Nothing magic about any of them, but if the average person wants a reliable handgun the Glocks and their clones fit the bill.
I was a little surprised that Ruger went down this path.
I am not. Ruger has been very successful with their revolvers and MK series pistols, but clearly not so much with their center fire auto pistols. I know there is a following of the P89 series, as well as the LCP and even the SAR series, but none really made much of a mark.

With the older patents run out, the Glock Gen 3 series is now a “platform”, like the 1911 and the CZ75. Lots of folks making them…and doing well. Ruger’s is a hybrid from what I can tell.

I hope they do well.
I see that Ruger has announced a new semiautomatic that can use several Glock parts and holsters. The RXM a joint venture between Ruger and Magpul.
Along with many other clones from PSA and other manufacturers brings a question.
Glock or Glock clone?
Most of my Glocks are Gen 4 but I like the Gen 5’s a bit more. I don’t own any clones and really don’t see a reason to at this time.

I like to tinker a bit with my Glocks…but stock out of the box has always worked 100% satisfactorily…