Good-bye to the Garden State

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Jul 2, 2010
Peoples Republic of New more
In two weeks, I'm moving from New Jersey to Pennsylvania (eight miles away). Although New Jersey's overly restrictive firearms laws are not the primary reason for the move, they certainly factored into the equation.

I'll have to change my handle.
Unless my current state's gun laws change dramatically for the better, when I finally move out, to a gun-friendly state, I will write the current governor a letter explaining that they've lost a productive person that produces more tax revenue than they consume in government services (and very likely have lost others like myself and will continue to do so), and that all they had to do to keep me was treat firearm ownership like 40+ other states do.
I'm about to move from hardcore anti-Illinois to hardcore friendly-Texas! Should be interesting! Good luck to you during your move!
Run don't walk and never look back , lol. Hope you enjoy the freedoms of the free world. Congratulations

Good luck
God speed
I'm about to move from hardcore anti-Illinois to hardcore friendly-Texas! Should be interesting! Good luck to you during your move!

Come on down. It should be very refreshing compared to Illinois.:)
Only Eight Miles!!!

Hard to fathom how such a short distance can make such a huge difference in gun laws and freedom!!!
Only Eight Miles!!!

Hard to fathom how such a short distance can make such a huge difference in gun laws and freedom!!!

That's what I was thinking. Some people have to move thousands of miles for such freedom. You only had to move eight miles. Eight miles? I would have moved years ago.
Good on ya to get out of NJ. I left the PRM (People's Republik of Maryland) a year and a half ago for Oklahoma. Oh yea man. Here in OK we have something like a 30 minute waiting rule. That's about how long it takes the clerk to process the paperwork...
Weird...When I first read this I was perplexed that you only had to go eight miles away to enter a new twilight zone but then I quickly realized that borders are only invisible lines drawn on a map.
Glad you are in a more free zone.
I swear every time I read a post like this I have to remind myself that the rest of this nation is not at all like the state of Texas I reside in.
Good for you and congrats/good luck on your move!

Last July I relocated from Texas to Pennsylvania.....I am working in Maryland but decided to live in Pa to avoid the communist firearms laws of Maryland. Sure, it's a 60 mile one-way commute to work but well worth it in my opinion.

People in the "non-friendly" states should think very hard about who they vote for and if choices are limited, should vote with their feet.

I shake my head in amazement that shooters in Maryland cannot purchase 30-round mags for an AR but 20-round mags are ok?? I'm sure there are other Maryland laws just as insane. I hear on the news all the time (pretty much daily) about shootings in Baltimore and wonder how many of these could have been avoided if citizens were allowed to legally defend themselves by lethal force. Not much stops a crack-crazed criminal better than a hunk of well-placed lead. The politicians of these states better wake up and smell the gunpowder!
A few years ago I moved from the Golden State to the Silver State. It wasn't because of gun laws, it was for a job. But, the firearm laws are a bonus.

In California you have to wait ten days when you buy a gun. In Nevada the transaction takes less time then renewing your license at DMV.

I remember when I purchased my first gun here. I filled out the form, the clerk made a phone call, I gave him the money, he then handed me the gun and I walked out with it. I felt more like an American then I had in years.
People in the "non-friendly" states should think very hard about who they vote for and if choices are limited, should vote with their feet.

Most of them just don't understand or care. The mindset has been ingrained many years in the past and will stay that way well into the future.

Even in gun friendly states, those that are blind still will never see.
Weird...When I first read this I was perplexed that you only had to go eight miles away to enter a new twilight zone but then I quickly realized that borders are only invisible lines drawn on a map.
In this particular case, it's actually the Delaware River which defines the state line. Makes crossing the state line accidentally much more difficult :)
PR-NJ! Excellent! Yay you!

I did pretty much the same thing going on about 7, 8 years ago. I never regretted it or looked back for an instant.

The 15 minute drive across the Commodore Barry to FreedomHaus makes an unbelievable difference that people who've never had to remove themselves from corrosive environments can never understand.

In this particular case, it's actually the Delaware River which defines the state line. Makes crossing the state line accidentally much more difficult

Unless you're going north on 5th(?) street in Philly, in which case you can find yourself halfway across the Ben Franklin bridge, furiously performing a mental inventory of your person and car.
I shake my head in amazement that shooters in Maryland cannot purchase 30-round mags for an AR but 20-round mags are ok??
It's even nuttier. They can own them, but can't purchase, sell, or transfer them within the state. So they can come over to VA, buy all they want and take them home.
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