I am selling one of my guns to someone I met on a gun trading website. What safety advice can anyone give me to be safe and ensure I don't become a crime victim and get robbed or shot or other.
Many police departments in the DFW area have "Safe Exchange Zones" for online sales. These are located in PD parking lots and have video cameras.I am selling one of my guns to someone I met on a gun trading website. What safety advice can anyone give me to be safe and ensure I don't become a crime victim and get robbed or shot or other.
Lucky no one called 911 " Active shooter in the parking lot"I've used large parking lots like Walmart or Home Depot
I tend to agree. Arrange to meet at an FFL dealer, and transfer the gun through the dealer's books with the required background check. The dealer will charge a fee.Tell the buyer, the firearm needs to be transferred to him thru a FFL dealer, at buyers cost.
This can work, but like Reagan once said, "Trust........but verify". The only times I've done face-to-face gun deals were with 1-someone I already knew, 2-with someone a close friend knew and trusted, and 3- someone I had a lengthy conversation with on the phone after "meeting" them on a gun forum. I had a sense he was okay, he suggested meeting at his house, and to top it off I trusted him enough to drive four hours to get there. That turned into a fantastic meeting, the guy was retired LEO and drug interdiction agent and he had some stories to tell. The gun (a S&W M58) was new in the box and had been a safe queen all its life. He'd gotten it from his LE partner's estate. This guy that I got it from was in his 80's at the time of sale.MoreIsLess: If you are old enough to have a really developed "Inner Voice", you are used to trusting it......
Because bad guys don't bring backup?Meet in a parking lot like at Lowe's and have a friend in another vehicle close by watching and ready. If possible have him block the other vehicle from leaving if it comes down to it. Have 911 on speed dial.
And out of the view of video cameras if things go bad.....But bring a friend and meet in a public place. Never your home. I've used large parking lots like Walmart or Home Depot where I can park away from most customers and prying eyes. Nothing illegal about doing it here, but it's best not to scare Walmart customers if they see guns coming out.
No gun dealer wants people doing firearm transactions in their parking lot.Some place like a Cabela's would be a good meeting spot since seeing a gun in the parking lot wouldn't be unusual.
You could always make it look like a drug deal on Miami Vice, have a couple of cars full of guys with submachine guns standing by while the money/dope exchange is made.Because bad guys don't bring backup?
The reason police departments have started using Safe Exchange Zones is due to crimes occurring in the parking lot at Wal Mart, Home Depot or Lowes.
am selling one of my guns to someone I met on a gun trading website. What safety advice can anyone give me to be safe and ensure I don't become a crime victim and get robbed or shot or other.
These are all really good suggestions, thanks for posting them.
I decided to use the Police Department parking lot. I called them and they said "fine, bring it on over"
I list guns on Texas Gun Trader. Every week I'll get several "I'll take it! I'll be there tomorrow/Friday/Saturday/whenever"......... 80% never show up.The prospective buyer never showed up. I guess that tells me what I needed to know, trouble avoided.