Gun taken (stolen) stories by anti(s)?!?!

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"A fine approach to take in an argument is to ask them if they feel that way, if perhaps another event in their life is influencing their judgement, or if they are going to provide you with Uniform Crime Report equivalent statistics/studies that show their opinion to be a factual assertion. Don't be too mean."

It's a reasonable approach, but you are not dealing with reasonable people on the anti-gun blogs (Huffpo/Helmke). Asking them to provide sources for their information will get you ignored. And if you persist, you will be accused of harassment, and you will be called names.

But please do persist. Nothing does our side more good than a bunch of hysterical antis.
I think a lot of the misconception of having one's gun taken away is just people projecting their fears and TV/movie influenced mindsets onto everyone else.

They envision scenarios where they are incapable of pulling the trigger and a tough criminal like they saw on TV grabs their gun and kills them. (most likely after delivering a long and eloquent speech about being prepared or knowng ones limitations) They figure that if they don't have the ability to shoot, and they see themselves as a normal person, then no one except highly trained police, soldiers or Marines will be able to pull the trigger when the situation calls for it. They fail to realize that not everyone is scared and weak; that some of us know deep down that if it ever comes down to it, we won't hesitate to make the choice that keeps us alive.
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I saw a news segment recently about a group who did an OC BBQ in a public place ( a park I believe) . Anyway , the reporter had asked about this very thing , having their guns taken from them . Funny thing was that they said :go ahead and try to grab it out of my holster" . He couldn't .

It was simple . The people there had the mind to have good retention holsters to prevent the very thing the antis say would happen . I think more and more people use holsters made for retention , and many more holster manufacturers make their holsters with this in mind .

Anyways, like others have said , you don't hear stories about it since it isn't a common occurrence .
Lots of police have been killed with their own weapon after having it taken from them. It certainly does happen. But not enough for it to justify such a mindset towards carrying a sidearm.

And comparing the police and a regular open-carrier is apples and oranges.

The motivations of the criminal in dealing with both will be vastly different. For the criminal, the Police is the first point of contact with the entire apparatus of the state; prosecution, court, and incarceration or other sanctions. The motive and reward (escape) to do something as desperate as try to grab an officers gun is much higher, because the Officer and the police in general will not quit once the initial contact is over, they will pursue the individual indefinitely, call in backup, keep records etc.

The individual armed private citizen can/will call the police, but the risk/reward ratio is vastly different for the criminal, and simply fleeing and selecting another presumably easier victim later makes much more sense.

They may not be moral, but most criminals are (quasi-, at least) rational.
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