Guns in apt with a roomate?

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btw, I keep everything but the CCW in a Walmart gun cabinet. I think it strikes a good balance between security and portability. Sure, someone with the right tools and some time to work on it could open it, but it still offers a lot more security than sticking them under the bed, and as a student I have to move frequently, so a heavy fire safe isn't practical for me.
My old roomate for 2 years was a good trusted friend (I rented a room in his house) and we both had our handguns in our desks and AKs in our closets.

Great roomate :D
Do not overlook his lifestyle....

Does your friend smoke pot? Do any kind of drugs even casually?

Im saying this because I once shared an apt with a guy that was addicted to weed. After he was arrested trying to get some, I kicked him out.

If the Police ever came to search your home for drugs, your guns could be taken if they find anything in his room.
As for my roomie and I, we know where we each keep our "ready" guns in case we're closer to the wrong room when the SHTF!

Same as MisAnthrope- I have a geo-bachelor roommate that does two weeks here, a week at home. He "only" brought his spares down here, and yes we do trust each other, have known he and his wife for almost 15 years, been hunting, drinking and travelled the world with them over the years. :D

If you have "any" doubts, get some kind of box, safe, bicycle chain or whatever and secure the guns when you are not there. Ultimely YOU are responsible for your weapons.
I Keep all my guns locked in a safe when they're not with me, it's not for protecting thier value, it's so someone else doesn't get thier grubby little hands on fire arms and commit a crime with one of them or sell them to some punk gangbanger to mug old ladys with.
"Won't someone think of the children?!" is the battle-cry of the anti-gunners

I hate the way it always comes back to us. All it takes is a little parenting, and the kids will be fine. Seriously, I've handles a few guns here and there and I'm 15. Anti's would wet themselves, but no one's felt frightened for their lives around me. A good kid shows a good parent/set of parents. A bad kid shows a bad parent/set of parents. It makes me feel bad because they're(claiming to be) fighting "for the kids" (me) and I don't want to feel responsible for gun laws turning to crap. I want the anti's to just LEAVE ME ALONE. Not because I support guns, but because I'm a kid. More reasons than just guns for me to dislike anti's.
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