Larry Phillips and Emil matasareanu had a large array of firearms on this day, which they surely planned to use should anyone interfere with their plans. These firearms included:
o An HK91 modified to fully automatic
Used by Phillips as he fired at officers on the left side of the bank, the rifle itself took a hit to the bolt guide rails, which causes little damage.
o A Chinese made AK47 modified to fully automatic
Used by Philip after discarding the HK91, as he started his an Emils escape. The rifle stovepipe jammed, this means a spent casing did not eject all the way, and hangsin the ejection port, like a stovepipe.
o Two Romanian AK47's modified to fully automatic
Both Phillips and Matasareanu used these rifles during the robbery, and during the first few minutes of the initial engagement with police.
o A Bushmaster AR15 modified to fully automatic
Matasareanu retrived this rifle from the trunk of their getaway car after sustaining a leg wound, he then waited in the car fo phillips, while shootin through the windows. This was also the rifle used by Emil as he was engaged in his last shootout with SWAT officers(Special Weapons And Tactics).
o A Beretta M92 9mm pistol
Larry commited suicide after sustaining several hits, a few of which would have been fatal.
These are only some of the duo's weapons, as police recovered more after the shootout in their safe house. It is my personal speculation that the other weapons recovered may have been failed full auto conversions.
Id also like to point out my view ont he duos weapons:
o Using fully automatic weapons was a mistake, as semi automatic fire is aimed fire, meaning more fatal hits, while fully auto is spray and pray you hit something, it is no coincidence noone but the robbers died.