Heller -- dark speculation

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lee n. field

Dec 29, 2002
Seen elsewhere:
Anyone want to cover my bet that sometime within the next two weeks there will be some massive tragedy involving a firearm and a lot of dead people that the liberal press will use against Heller?

Your thoughts?
I wouldn't put it past them, they will do everything they can to get there way, even if it means killing people. Because as they say "its making a better world".
I tend to think they wouldnt go as far as causing a crime, but they would certainly relish in the outcome as far as their cause goes. A good litmus test on political causes is to examine "who benefits". The sides who benefit from tragedy are to be mistrusted it seems. Gun control advocates lose when free men and women defend themselves or retain liberty. They win when disarmed school personnel die, when innocents are gunned down, and important people killed.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts are you're thinking negatively.
You can't seem to think that we have won a great positive victory and your mind for some negative reason keeps dwelling on the dark side.
Stop it immediately and start thinking that we will start reversing 70 years of Socialist induced gun control and return to the thinking of the brilliant 1789 founders.
Got that?
Now carry on.
I'm sorry, I just don't think that they are capable of that. I attended DHS sponsored training for local law enforcement on suicide bomber a couple years back. The brainwashing and control that goes into creating a suicide bomber is quite extensive. You give the antis way too much credit if you think they are capable of this.

The next mass shooting will be like the ones before it, carried out by a mentally disturbed individual and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it from happening.

Suicide shooters sponsored by the gun control movement....:rolleyes: Have you ever seen the leaders of the gun control movement on TV, they are way too emotionally driven to successfully program and run a suicide shooter program to advance their agenda.

Jeff, consider this...

What if a "true believer" is a social worker or a shrink-type?

And they come upon someone who has already gone past 99% of "let's go off yourself for some imaginary cause" and proceed to load 'em up and point 'em?

Just saying they don't necessarily have to start at the beginning.
They win when disarmed school personnel die,

Arguably I'd say they LOSE when that happens - after all, it's one of the most extreme examples of the impotence of gun control when someone dies in a "gun free" zone...
Many gun owners are so attuned to losing that they don't know how to win and feel uncomfortable if other people do it for them. Prisoners who have served long sentences sometimes can't make it outside and want to return. There are people who don't feel comfortable with freedom.

If unhealthy thoughts occur to you just pretend that Heller never happened. Go on as you had before.
Here in KY where we just had an idiot in Henderson shoot 5 or 6 people in a factory, the Louisville Courier-Jounral ( I like to call it the Communist-Journal) headlines the next day had the shooting right above the Supreme Court's ruling in the headlines. I know they just loved that they could do that! That liberal rag never seen a gun control law it did not love.
Do you guys actually think the antis have some sort of mind-control device to set off a spree shooting?!?

They probably stole it from the black ops CIA dept, right?

KEeeeee-rist guys, lay off the Kool-Aid, and learn to enjoy a victory for once...
Guys, this is a huge change for us in terms of winning the cultural war against the antis. Consider: SCOTUS just kicked a huge prop out from under them and their arguments. We now have the opportunity to move on from the "militia vs. individual rights" and the uncertainty engendered by that argument in the minds of the majority of the uninformed. We now have the ammo (pun intended) to move on to the solid arguments as to why possessing a firearm is a good thing. It's no longer a matter of "Can I really?" It's now a matter of "Why not?" Now's the time to educate.

It's clear, we all have an individual right to own a firearm subject to "reasonable restrictions". Now we gotta win the fight on what "reasonable restrictions" means. Don't panic, stick to your guns. ;)
Port Arthur Massacre- 30+ dead- Australia bans guns

Dublane Massacre- 15+ dead- England bans guns

Virginia Tech Massacre- 30+ dead- Supreme Court of the United States rules gun ownership as an Individual Right

I don't know if there is a large conspiracy to disarm the planet, but if there is, whoever is behind it must be going ape@%$# right now.

For the moment, pardon the pun, we are bulletproof.
Never happen .

After just a few hours with your typical Rabid Anti the only person they would kill would be their "Trainer" .

Can you imagine anyone putting up with the rantings of Rosie O'Donut long enough to be brainwashed and NOT killing HER the second they were handed a loaded gun ?
I do see them going after folks who were ever prescribed an antidepressant or ever had PTSD or whatever to bar them from owning a firearm for life.

They might even try and pass a thing that says you were a mental defective and took Ritalin as a child.

How about a federal medical database so they can do an instant check? You know of course that right now all prescriptions are on a computer at the pharmacy and on your insurance carriers computer.

Will the SCOTUS ruling get rid of the Lautenberg law?

The antis will keep coming.

edit: Yes there is a HIPPA medical privacy law but it law enforcement have access. I just thought I would add that before someone said med records were private. They are not.
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I do see them going after folks who were ever prescribed an antidepressant or ever had PTSD or whatever to bar them from owning a firearm for life.

They might even try and pass a thing that says you were a mental defective and took Ritalin as a child.

How about a federal medical database so they can do an instant check? You know of course that right now all prescriptions are on a computer at the pharmacy and on your insurance carriers computer

I absolutely agree with Fuzzy here. All these meds that kids are on now will come back to haunt them in the future (assuming) they would want to own a gun some day. Maybe that has been a component of a larger plan all along for the antis?

I've thought about going to a shrink once or twice lately just to talk about this recurring dream I've had over the years but after VT there's zero chance of that. I just google it now.
We now have the ammo (pun intended) to move on to the solid arguments as to why possessing a firearm is a good thing. It's no longer a matter of "Can I really?" It's now a matter of "Why not?" Now's the time to educate.

It's clear, we all have an individual right to own a firearm subject to "reasonable restrictions". Now we gotta win the fight on what "reasonable restrictions" means. Don't panic, stick to your guns.

And all gun owners should try really, really hard not to look even slightly deranged or damaged in public. Of course it's not necessary to become sane, and no reasonable person would expect an overnight cure, but at least try to fake it.

For example, stop muttering constantly about how "they" are out to get you. It's counterproductive. You attract "their" attention to you so "they" can direct "their" helicopters to your exact location and beam you up and away. If you're really concerned about being whisked to a distant planet by aliens who have selected you for their stud farm, carry a shiny pocket mirror at all times. When you hear the helicopter engines overhead, use the mirror to momentarily blind the pilot so he crashes.

And resist every temptation to run through the streets shouting "Gonna get me a machinegun!" You might provoke a wealthy liberal who doesn't want you to have one into going for his and shooting you. Besides, you're creating advance pressure on the price of machineguns when they're eventually up for sale to everyone (which looks now to be sometime after the year 6776). It's much smarter to run around saying "Don't wanna get me a machinegun!" That will make profiteers think they have to charge less if they want to sell any.

Reduce the time you spend speculating about pollution of your precious bodily fluids. Half an hour in the morning and just before bedtime is enough for most gun owners. Work in a lunchtime session if you must, but don't let it get out of hand.
Gee whiz, enjoy the victory!

The antis will keep coming.
You're absolutely right--the last thing we can do is relax our vigilance. However (there is always that darn "however!") this time the Good Guys won a round. So, for heavens' sake, SMILE!

Me, I went to a couple gun shops and perused. Would have bought a "SCOTUS Celebration Gun" if there had been one I really liked. As it is, I scratched my itch with a can of Imperial Sizing Die Wax and a bottle of De-Lead Hand Soap.

Now, the Antis will never stop pressing for "reasonable" restrictions. Never. They are committed, vigilant, well funded, and persevering. They are True Believers, who have been Shown The Enlightened Path, and it is up to them to convert the rest of the world.

Exactly what will be their next move is up to them, not us, and we are wasting time and emotional energy imagining the horrors yet to be visited on us. We need to watch them and stand ready.

But this week, the Good Guys won a round. C'mon people! Hip-hip, HOORAY! Hip-hip, HOORAY! Hip-hip, HOORAY! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!
I predict the crime rate in D.C. dropping dramatically over the next few years....and the liberal media (i.e. anything on television) not giving credit where credit is due.
If you're really concerned about being whisked to a distant planet by aliens who have selected you for their stud farm, carry a shiny pocket mirror at all times.

Weellll... it really depends on which stud farm. If it's the Planet of Bikini Clad Nordic Beauties Shooting Sub-Machine Guns, then count me in. If it's on the Planet of the Slightly Hairier than Ape Women, I'll take a pass. ;)
Hairy women need loving too.

Okay, we're drifting. IBTL

I predict the crime rate in D.C. dropping dramatically over the next few years....and the liberal media (i.e. anything on television) not giving credit where credit is due.

I have been thinking about this one and I am not so sure. I hate to be pessimistic, but Heller had no effect on criminals' morals. They are going to continue doing what they do. Granted, some of their marks will be capable of defending themselves, but I still think that is not enough of a deterrent.
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