Hit this poll.

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Kind of interesting (in a sad way) results:

Should the federal government regulate guns of any types?
Yes, it should 396,552(23%)
No, it should not 1,270,223(76%)

Should Congress ban semi-automatic weapons?
Yes, it should 1,338,163(80%)
No, it should not 327,456(19%)
yeah that was confusing to me too. You can see the effect of using buzz words in polls. It elicits a certain response which may not be consistent with the pollers world view.
I didn't expect the background check to turn out that way. Very good to see.
RE: posts five and six.

There is the evidence that we have ceased to be a nation with a "gun culture". The general public is more greatly influinced by how how buzzwords make them feel than they have actual knowledge.
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No, Newsmax bombarded me with e-mails daily, acouple of others also, it got to the point wher i changed my e-mail adress to get away from them!:fire:
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