I honestly never put any thought into it until now but my 1903 has alot of holes in it, some filled with screws some not. It is sporterized so I suspect some of it isn't stock. First off there are 4 hole for a scope mount on top which i am using 3 of. Next there is one on the right of the receiver near the chamber, Ive heard it is a gas leak or something. But the ones in question are the screw filled ones on the left of the receiver... There are 3 of them, 2 are in the middle where the reciever wall lowers. Those are in line, but the 3rd is in almost the same spot as the gas leak but on the left side(it too has a screw). What in the world are all those holes for? Scope mounts perhaps? If so I would like to see them(links to web page) Im really curious cause google is producing results for me.