Hornady 30-30 Remington Die Set


Feb 23, 2007
I have been thinking about reloading 30-30 for my Marlin and was looking at die sets. This one caught my eye because of the rebate for 100 bullets. I noticed that the Sportsman’s site lists the dies as 30-30 Remington. I was a bit confused until I compared the 546342 part number on the Sportsman’s site to the Hornady site. It looks like Sportsman’s just labeled it wrong.

Hornady 30-30 Die Set

Would all of you consider this a good deal? The die set and 100 bullets for $50? They make you pay $10 for shipping on the bullets.
You can use 30-30 dies for the 30rem, you can probably get a lee set with the needed shellholder and buy the 100 bullets you want for less then hornady deal.
Where would you get them? I looked at the local stores and none had Lee. I only saw RCBS and Hornady.
Well, I’ve bought several sets under that deal. Been pretty happy with Hornady dies.
I suspect SW mislabeled them. I take it you’ve got a 30-30 WIN Marlin? I’m not sure of SW’s range, they show available in Elmira, not too far away for me. I’ll be making a trip out to Utah in Oct ‘25, but that’s a bit of a wait :) .
I have a set of Hornady's 30-30 dies. No issues there. Keep in mind that the "free bullets" selection in the rebate plan is very limited and probably does not include bullets suitable for 30-30's with a tubular magazine.
I'd go with RCBS or Hornady dies, both have great customer service.
Pay once, Cry once.
I had a couple of issues with Lee products and wasn't satisfied with their customer service.
With RCBS if you ever have an issue with any of their products they fix it or replace if for FREE really fast no BS.

Lee on the other hand is either hit or miss with getting anything fixed or replaced with my experience.
Actually I never had anything fixed or replaced with Lee.
30-30 is not generally a precision loading. I think any die set you choose will work fine. I load a pile of cast bullets and have the rcbs cowboy set. The expander is larger and well suited to loading cast. I shoot and load mostly cast and berry's 150s, both load great with the cowboy set.
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OP, there are a number of die sets on ebay right now for $20-$30 with shipping. Including some Pacific and Herters brands. I'd get one of those sets and then find the proper bullets for your rifle elsewhere.
I have been thinking about reloading 30-30 for my Marlin and was looking at die sets. This one caught my eye because of the rebate for 100 bullets. I noticed that the Sportsman’s site lists the dies as 30-30 Remington. I was a bit confused until I compared the 546342 part number on the Sportsman’s site to the Hornady site. It looks like Sportsman’s just labeled it wrong.

Hornady 30-30 Die Set

Would all of you consider this a good deal? The die set and 100 bullets for $50? They make you pay $10 for shipping on the bullets.
Dies are about 45 on the low side now. Hornady dies are nice in my experience. The floating seater helps keep the bullet aligned. Which helps more with aggravation than precision. I say this because I can't complain about the ability to consistently seat bullets with any die. But I pinch my fingers less with Hornady.
These are what they list for the bullets. Are they the wrong kind for a lever action?

Yes sp is spire point. Not particularly good in a tubular magazine.
I've loaded 30-30 for my model 94 for five-six years now with a set of Lee dies, and you can get them on Midway, Brownells, Amazon, midsouth, graf and sons….
personally I would not take a chance of buying a 30-30 Remington when I wanted a 30-30 Win. Even if it was a typo I’m not sure i would trust that some other mistake might not show up, but that is just me.
The bullets are .30 cal, so they’ll work, but in a 336 you’d only want one in the chamber and one in the tubular magazine. The other thing I’ve found sometimes the cannelure is in different places for the .308 vs 30-30 marked bullets.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of 30-30 Remington, only 30 Remington.
The Hornady dies are nice, my son uses them, they’ll work as well as any others.
Yes sp is spire point. Not particularly good in a tubular magazine.
I've loaded 30-30 for my model 94 for five-six years now with a set of Lee dies, and you can get them on Midway, Brownells, Amazon, midsouth, graf and sons….
personally I would not take a chance of buying a 30-30 Remington when I wanted a 30-30 Win. Even if it was a typo I’m not sure i would trust that some other mistake might not show up, but that is just me.
If I got them at Sportsman’s, I would pick them up in person so I wouldn’t worry too much. I’ll check out the Lee dies but they would have to be cheaper even with shipping.
OP the 150FP and 170FP bullets made for the 30-30 are built to expand at lower velocities used in the 30-30. As noted you can use pointed bullets but will have to single load them and they will not expand as well. My first set was a set of used RCBS purchased at a LGS for about $10 back in the 70's and still going strong. Also have a set from Lee as a backup that work just as well. If you plan on loading lead bullets alot the cowboy dies mentioned are your best choice as the expander and seater are larger to work best with the larger diameter lead bullets.
I use Lee, and Hornady dies for my .30-30. I have no problems with either.
If you just want a set of budget dies, get the Lee RGB dies, and maybe add a Lee factory crimp die.

What primers should I be looking? The store by me has Federal 210 LRP and Remington 9-1/2 LRP. Is one more suited for 30-30?
For a brief period in the late sixties I had a Remington pump in 30 Remington. It had a funky spiral shaped mag tube supposedly to allow pointed bullets to be loaded. I used 30-30 dies and round nose bullets.
BTW, the 30 Rem case was the basis for a couple of wildcat rounds for the AR platform.