Before retiring from 26 years working for three CA state government agencies, one of many jobs/projects/assignments I did was working as federally certified and state licensed surveyor of healthcare facilities where the agency enforced applicable local/state/federal laws, building/fire/life/safety codes and regulations. (My federal certification is still active and I can survey work in any state)
I was recruited by HQ to work on
California Code of Regulations, Title 22 - Healthcare Facilities update project which is state version of
Code of Federal Regulations both of which I enforced but before I reported for work in Sacramento, governor Arnold Schwarzenegger cut the entire project budget under "cost savings" when he was furloughing state workers.
Regulations are derived from laws for executive agencies to enforce the law. Regulations must be clarified or "interpreted" so each regulatory section/subsection can be answered with "yes" or "no" to enforce compliance to the law (Not all parts of law can be reduced to yes/no regulation). But "interpreted" regulations must stay exact to/within the law and cannot exceed the law. Regulations can be updated/added/removed if need arises deemed by the regulatory agency or "We the People" make challenges.
What ATF and other executive agencies like EPA have been found is that they EXCEEDED the law with their interpretations/regulations which were found unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in cases like Cargill and Loper.
Had ATF interpretations/determinations stayed within the law authorized by Congress, gun owners, protected minority group of "We the People" would not be pushing for abolishing ATF and NFA -
And "We the People" can push the elected representatives to update/add/remove regulations related to firearms and accessories protected by the Second Amendment.
This is self governance framed by the founders for our Constitutional Republic.