I'd like to apologize in advance in case this has been covered in another thread and my search-fu is just not up to par.
I'm a California Native who just moved to NYC to go to school. (Columbia university)
I had to leave my entire (rather decent) collection behind when i moved.
I would like to get a firearm for home defense or (if possible) a concealed cary permit which would allow me to own/cary a defensive sidearm.
What is the permitting process and how do I go about it?
Is there any way to get one through a loophole or special circumstance? perhaps become a part time volunteer deputy or armorer for a local precinct?
I was trying to read NYC's penal code to determine what is and what is not allowed, and it seems that percussion guns are legal and unregulated?
could I obtain and cut down an old muzzleloading double to keep around the house in case of emergency?
It also seems like long guns made before 1893 are unregulated as well under NYC law? could I get an original 1887 Winchester?
If firearms are totally unobtainable what other options do I have that are legal? pocketknife? mace? tazer? walking stick?
Any help/Advice would be greatly appreciated.
I really don't want to screw up my future, so I have to be 100% absolutely legal in everything that I do (it seems like an easy city to accidentally break the law even with the best intentions)
If there are any members who are NYC residents I'd love to meet up and talk about how to stay legal in this city. I'll even buy the coffee.
I'm a California Native who just moved to NYC to go to school. (Columbia university)
I had to leave my entire (rather decent) collection behind when i moved.
I would like to get a firearm for home defense or (if possible) a concealed cary permit which would allow me to own/cary a defensive sidearm.
What is the permitting process and how do I go about it?
Is there any way to get one through a loophole or special circumstance? perhaps become a part time volunteer deputy or armorer for a local precinct?
I was trying to read NYC's penal code to determine what is and what is not allowed, and it seems that percussion guns are legal and unregulated?
could I obtain and cut down an old muzzleloading double to keep around the house in case of emergency?
It also seems like long guns made before 1893 are unregulated as well under NYC law? could I get an original 1887 Winchester?
If firearms are totally unobtainable what other options do I have that are legal? pocketknife? mace? tazer? walking stick?
Any help/Advice would be greatly appreciated.
I really don't want to screw up my future, so I have to be 100% absolutely legal in everything that I do (it seems like an easy city to accidentally break the law even with the best intentions)
If there are any members who are NYC residents I'd love to meet up and talk about how to stay legal in this city. I'll even buy the coffee.