How good is a Redding Press?

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Axis II

Jul 2, 2015
Friend has a Redding Boss press that looks mint for $130. Looking to get away from the LCT and Lee C press when it comes to bottleneck rounds. I figured it would help with consistency. I know nothing about Redding so is this a good press?
My presses are RCBS and one Lee,
but I have a mixture of tools and
all the Redding tools are top drawer.
Their QC must be top drawer as well.
I wouldn't be afraid to buy anything
they offer if it was priced like I wanted
Probably should also add that IMO
for consistency, a press should be
mounted solid to take advantage of
the rugged construction of the press
when resizing tough to size cases
such as large magnum size rifle
Friend has a Redding Boss press that looks mint for $130. Looking to get away from the LCT and Lee C press when it comes to bottleneck rounds. I figured it would help with consistency. I know nothing about Redding so is this a good press?
I don’t understand why you are not posting that you just installed it on your bench! Seriously.:D
I have the BB-II, it's built like a tank. The only difference is the II passes the spent primers through the ram. You can upgrade the earlier model if you want. Like said made in the USA, built like a tank. Very smooth to operate.

Redding Big Boss two was one of the top three for accuracy in this video where they did a comparison of all the single stage presses on the market.
If I were to buy a new single stage press it would be a Redding since the RCBS Rockchucker Supreme presses are made overseas now.
The Big Boss was $229.00 when new so your getting a good deal if the press is as nice as you said it it.
Friend has a Redding Boss press that looks mint for $130. Looking to get away from the LCT and Lee C press when it comes to bottleneck rounds. I figured it would help with consistency. I know nothing about Redding so is this a good press?
I have a Redding Big Boss and it's a beast. Miles better than the LEE APP. I have the inline fabrication mount and case ejector system for mine. I also put the LEE quick change bushing adapter in it.



Also got Redding 30-06 dies and am getting 308 dies soon.
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Redding Big Boss two was one of the top three for accuracy in this video where they did a comparison of all the single stage presses on the market.
If I were to buy a new single stage press it would be a Redding since the RCBS Rockchucker Supreme presses are made overseas now.
The Big Boss was $229.00 when new so your getting a good deal if the press is as nice as you said it it.

This is the smaller boss but still retails for $200
I thought that rcbs presses are made in usa.? I heard rcbs rock chuck was made overseas and made that comment and got attacked by rcbs fans as a nun job ? I have a Redding big boss and it’s awesomeThe other press in that photo is the Redding ultra and that is a good price for it also .
I thought that rcbs presses are made in usa.? I heard rcbs rock chuck was made overseas and made that comment and got attacked by rcbs fans as a nun job ? I have a Redding big boss and it’s awesomeThe other press in that photo is the Redding ultra and that is a good price for it also .
Is the smaller one in the pic the big boss?
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