How many Mags comes w/ S.A. mil-spec?

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Dec 29, 2002
City by the big lake
My friend just bought one and it only came w/ one mag! IIRC, my other friend got two mags when he bought one some years ago. ' just trying to make sure his dealer didn't rip it off from him. Thanks!
The reason I ask, is that a worker on this store is known for taking extra mags off and selling it separately. He had left the place sometime ago but I just wanna make sure the habit wasn't pass along to the other workers. Thanks for the replies!
Don't know about the Mil-Spec, but I just bought a 1911A1 (loaded) and got two mags.
the Milspec I got a few weeks ago had two mags with it.

It was brand new, the place I had gotten it from got it from SA just a few days earlier. The Stainless Milspec they had had two mags with it also.

Methinks you got gyped
I've bought two NIB 45ACP MilSpecs and they both came with just one mag. Gotta keep prices down, I suppose. I sold the first MilSpec to someone that just 'had to have it.' I still have the one unused mag that came with my most recent one. I have five 7 round Wilsons, five McCormick 8 round PowerMags and five MetalForms (from MetalForm) 7 rounders with rounded followers and have had two failures out of any of them. Very pleased.

With magazines, keep looking on this forum, on and on eBay and you're bound to come across great deals from time to time. I haven't paid over $20 shipped for any of these 15 magazines.
Oh c'mon guys, just go out and pick up the Chip McCormick 10 rd mags that you really need for those things - I still have the original 7 rounder I got with my Kimber in NIB condition!
I just bought two mecgar 8 rnd .45 mags from midway, 13.50 each for the stainless. they are very nice and a good deal for the price, the best deal I have found. They functioned flawlessly in my 100 round test (LSWC bullets target loads). They are much nicer than the chip mccormick that came with the gun. I only got 1 blued magazine with my milspec bought new Dec 2002.

The Mccormick that came with the gun works ok I dont know why anyone woudl want to steal one though. It aint that nice:rolleyes:
QUOTE: "You want lots of mags, the Springfield Professional Model M1911-A1 comes with 5 ( ! ) as standard, and they're all specially treated for extra durability."

Actually they come with 6!
Mine only came with one, which is irrelevant since I didn't use it anyway. Used Chip McCormick Shooting Stars.
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