How often do you trim the cases? Every time you reload them, every other time, 5th, etc?
I've loaded some of my .45LC brass now at least 5 or 6 timers, and other than the original trim I gave them when I first got them, I find them most of it doesn't need any additional trimming.
I now started reloading 30-30 and .45ACP, and while still check the brass, I find that the only brass I occasionally need trim is the new (not fired by me) brass that finds it way back home.
I've loaded some of my .45LC brass now at least 5 or 6 timers, and other than the original trim I gave them when I first got them, I find them most of it doesn't need any additional trimming.
I now started reloading 30-30 and .45ACP, and while still check the brass, I find that the only brass I occasionally need trim is the new (not fired by me) brass that finds it way back home.