How to handle a wrong

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May 10, 2005
I bought a S&W a while back from someone on A.A. ( identity withheld for now) who claims in the ad that the gun is something that it is not. I talked to the guy, and he sorta fess's up that he knew he was wrong, and say's to ship the gun back. Now here is the part i'm concerned about, the gun was advertised as "shipping included" to me, now who is responsable for the return shipping? I say that since the gun was not advertised truthfully, and he knew it, that he should pay return shipping. If I am wrong I will accept it, if he is, I may have to take a road trip, and HAND IT to him. Please help me decide, before I fill the tank up.
At first he said he would, then he e-mailed me and said NO. Think he wants to discourage me from even shipping it back. He's starting to become a POS
Did you way overpay for what you got?

Anymore in my life I walk away if it's less than $100. I used to fuss if I had to pay one dollar too much for something or if someone took advantage of me. Don't sweat the small stuff if it's truly small.

If you got ripped for several hundreds then I would go see the guy in person. No guarantee that you'll get your money back if you ship the gun back.

Idea! Have him give you the diference back on what the gun is really worth unless you don't reallt want the gun.

That would almost be like you contacting someone, offering to sell and agreeing on a price for say, Python grips, and then jacking the price up a couple days later.
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Most companies will pay return shipping if the customer is not satisfied, since they want your return business. But individuals, especially people who practice fraud, really don't care - they got you once, and there is another sucker coming along. They know that your only recourse is a civil suit and that it could cost you hundreds of times what the item is worth.

Even if you pay the shipping back, you can't be sure the guy will refund your money for the item, let alone reimburse you for shipping.

I only know of one case where a seller had to pay up for selling a fake item, and that was only because the buyer was independently wealthy and pursued the case on principle.

I guess I am cynical, but I don't buy from auction sites.

The guy has demonstrated a problem with honesty. Make sure you get your money *before* you ship it out.
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