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He is very pro gun, and donations toward him would wake people into seeing that he could win, that we could have a very pro-gun and pro-liberty candidate. Donate today, until 12am 12/17 EST (9pm 12/16 PST), at so that we can shake the roots. 2.75 million so far today.

Ron Paul said:
For more than a decade the United Nations has waged a campaign to undermine Second Amendment rights in America. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called on members of the Security Council to address the “easy availability” of small arms and light weapons, by which he means all privately owned firearms. In response, the Security Council released a report calling for a comprehensive program of worldwide gun control, a report that admonishes the U.S. and praises the restrictive gun laws of Red China and France!

It’s no surprise that UN officials dislike what they view as our gun culture. After all, these are the people who placed a huge anti-gun statue on American soil at UN headquarters in New York. The statue depicts a pistol with the barrel tied into a knot, a not-too-subtle message aimed squarely at the U.S.
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