Hunter shoots himself

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Sorry to employ these but .......... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

He really did screw up on all 4 didn't he ..... I mean, a hole in the truck ...... hole in roadway? ... no real prob except one deer run away but this??

Sorry .... inexcusable ... not that he has to worry about embarrassment any more - sadly.
I think the deer shot him, and made it look like an accident. The deer are gettin' pretty smart these days.
Looks like the dog escaped undetected.

It had to be a dog.
There has been such a rash of dog shootings this year.

[Emily Latella voice]

I tell you it's getting out of hand.
I think it's high time we licensed do........


[/Emily Latella voice]
According to old diarys one of the most common deaths on the Oregon Trail was pulling a loaded shotgun out of the wagon by the muzzle 150 years later its still fairly common..
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