Hypocrisy of American Moviegoers

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Jul 16, 2004
Dallas, Texas
I saw the film "Public Enemies" last weekend. The theater was full of average Americans who probably hate and fear guns, and abhor "Gun Violence".

And yet they pack theatres to watch really violent depictions of crime in the 1930's. Just eat it up.
I'm sure most people hate violence of any sort, or murder, or rape, or torture, and yet they pack the theaters to see all manner of movies. The Saw series is real popular.

Hypocritical? Perhaps. But then everyone is a hypocrite to a certain point. I certainly wouldn't put a lot of faith into the types of movies people see. I mean, by your logic if they hate and fear guns and war, they probably shouldn't see Saving Private Ryan, which is a good movie.
The theater was full of average Americans who probably hate and fear guns, and abhor "Gun Violence".

How did you determine this? Did you poll a substantial number of attendees to get their 2nd Amendment views? Hell, I abhor gun violence. And I'm as pro-gun as you can get. Except for maybe Darth Vader. But he's not a US citizen.

Don't assume, at any time, the people around you are "average Americans." Maybe it's a self-selecting crowd. Maybe the majority of Americans support the 2nd Amendment and guns as most all polls show.

So be careful about making generalizations. They usually are bogus.
We've already got a thread covering the new Michael Mann film. One is pushing it, and the thread really only gets a pass because of Mann's pedigree for realism in his films.

Two is right out.
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