I Feel Cheated by NRA

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Mar 4, 2008
North Carolina
...and I really don't like it.

I don't like it anymore than I would a close and old friend inexplicably doing me dirt.

I'll start this by saying that over my many years of annual NRA memberships I have seen some changes. Well, one could posit the environment and the challenges to RKBA have changed, congress has changed. Some change is to be expected.

The complaints;

1. The last two annual memberships that I have purchased, any incentives offered (caps, gegaws, etc.) never arrived. Any number of mailings snail mail and e-mail have arrived for fundraising, so I know they can find me. But... screw the freebies, the Rifleman or any other NRA mag has not ever arrived either!

Now I could get all consumer advocate about this and spend God knows how much time chasing down who to complain to and try to get it fixed. I decided not to thinking all the while that a lifestyle choice (think a grownups version of Boy's Life from the scouts) finally completely morphed into a PAC and I would just go along under the flag of furthering the cause.

2. Along with a flood of other fundraising efforts, I get a lot of advert for the "NRA Store". Straight up commercial enterprise replete with inflated prices for merchandise and shipping knowing we will pay it and chalk it up as "doing our part".

Well I have now had my second experience with making an internet purchase from the NRA Store. The first was a book from Palladin Press about defensive handgun technique. To say I am underwhelmed with the Palladin Press is an understatement. I at least eventually got the rather poor excuse for a book.

I today finally received delivery of the second venture and I think I'm done. I was curious as a CCW guy about the holster T shirts marketed in the NRA store produced by 5.11 Tactical Series. I ordered 2, a white and a black and a "Don't Tread on Me" Gadsden ball cap. I got the box today.

The 5.11 Tactitcal holster T seems nice enough, spandex T shirt with overlay pockets and Velcro closure over each shoulder, for $ 79.95 a pop it SHOULD be nice enough. The ball cap seems to be the cheapest construction possible and bought at $ 15.95, thin gauge cardboard front reinforcement (I'm embarrassed for them). Generally pathetic addition to a collection of through the years NRA caps. There was only 1 shirt, (black) in the box. Seems you find out on delivery when they are out of stock and your item is backordered. The NRA store is not trying to keep up with the state of e-commerce nowadays, like providing expected delivery times or tracking numbers (OK it's fundraising again), the purchase was June 28, delivery July 10, $205.81 for (so far) 1 holster tee and a cheap ball cap.

I'm starting to think (along with what I thought was an embarrassing first response to the Sandy Hook shooting) that the NRA hasn't much respect for me, regardless of how I continue to feel about them. They did have a customer service number on the invoice, couldn't find one on the website. It could be a mistake that I was charged for the backordered shirt. The CS number is "business hours only" but come tomorrow, this time I am calling. I intend to share the theory that fundraising or no, there is more money in good business practice than there is in bad. If they want donations I know they are not shy in saying so, business on the other hand should be "business-like".

In a nutshell, I miss the "old NRA". And yes I miss a bunch of "old" stuff.

Rant concluded.
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I did get an NRA hat a few years back. It was a total POS. It wasn't even good enough to use as a yard hat.
I got my NRA "renewal" hat recently. Quite a surprise as I usually never receive whatever they offer as an "incentive " to renew.
Ironically the hat, which has a US flag on one side, is made in China.
Kinda reminds me of the cheap ass POS Made in China knife Sig sent me a few years ago after dropping a lot of money on a pistol.
I ask the NRA to not send the incentive junk. Save them some money as I do not want it any way. Unfortunately, it still comes and goes directly into "File 13".

But, since the NRA is the only game in town at the moment, I will continue to support them even with their lapses in judgement and marketing skills.
Bring up the NRA and all the folks can do is bash the largest org. fighting for our rights not being suspended. Unreal!

What happened to the old saying that if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.
I don't expect gifts from them so I'm not going to bash them if they do send me something cheap. These items are simply a thank you for renewing or joining. They are still the best game in town for fighting for the 2nd.
Accountability is a concept that I am always in favor of.

To me it is like a law of physics that when it goes away, the results are not in your best interest.

If simple 1 issue agreement (sorta) is enough for a golden pass or "untouchable" status, then you don't like democracy, which is what they set out to defend "in the beginning".
The hats I have purchased were top quality. I have been happy with the items I have ordered over the years.

They are slow on keeping up right not but they have been flooded - just like ammo/firearms makers.

If something is wrong give them a call.

Look on the positive side they are getting tons of new recruits and that is all good.
Over 50 years ago i joined the NRA because i valued my Second Amendment rights. Still belong to the NRA and could care less about the hats and baubles.

IMO: It's a sad commentary on gun owners when the NRA must give out stuff to get new members.
As far as the American Rifleman, NRA has probably moved to offering it ONLINE rather than print, and this has been a move they are trying to make to meet the times and reduce costs of printing, mailing, etc, when the member AGREES to it. They started this my sending out a letter, which most never paid attention to, that required letting them know you still wanted the printed version. For what we pay, it probably is foolish to keep offering cheap hats, etc, just to entice us. I'd give them a call if you want the mailed magazine, and air your other complaints, but be advised, wasting money on "freebies" isn't doing any of us any good.
Just got the 'Chocolate Lab' hat and it's great. Durable material, not really a summer hat but will be great in wet or cold weather. Probably going to buy a second as a spare.

And I got the 'NRA Elite Pocket Holster' for my Kahr PM9 and it too works great. Very clingy outer material which also works well as an IWB holster. Snug fit for the PM9 yet easily drawable.

Happy customer....
I don't like being hit up for $$ constantly, but they do what they gotta do. I took advantage of the $300 lifetime membership and if money wasn't tight I'd probably take it to the next level. I didn't always agree with how they handled things, but since the libs all-out attack on our rights "for the children" the NRA is doing a great job keeping our rights intact. Here at the state level, the NRA has helped us defeat most of the gun control bills introduced this year. Three bills did pass, but the NRA and pro-sportsmen's groups had their input and it would be hard to argue with two of the three that increased penalties for gun crime. The third is just a waste of taxpayer money to establish a committee to make recommendations on future laws and how to feed info into the NICS system, but the NRA helped to ensure that several pro-gun people were on the committee so we wouldn't get blindsided by their recommendations. They can keep their magazines and free pens.

Did you read the post? Did you read it again?

It is also a truly sad state of affairs that anyone would reject the role of the body politic in forming the fibre of the entity that they depend upon in any way to represent them in the democratic process and the suppression of dissent has more place in the former Soviet Republic than it does among those who claim patriotism to a freedom loving democratic republic. I am at least a little offended at your implications and I think it is a wholly unhealthy example of what you think you are standing for.

Democracy is the philosophy of the involved, not the blindly aquiescent.

I think that is the chord I'm trying to strike.


Thanks, that's probably the missing link in my experience.
When a more effective gun rights organization pops up I'll happily support them instead, but as of right now the NRA is the best we have. Yes I realize other organizations exist, but they do not have nearly the influence and are seen as even less "mainstream". Until (and I won't hold my breath on this) the supreme court interprets "shall not be infringed" to actually mean "shall not be infringed" we need the NRA as imperfect as it can be sometimes.
I'm not a member of the NRA, but donate to their ILA. I don't really care about the free stuff, and it seems like the best way to get money to where the fight is.
Quit Whining, I am sick of it!
If You can Breathe, Thank God!
If You can Read, Thank a Teacher!
If you can Read this in English, Thank a Veteran!
If you can still own a Firearm, Thank the NRA, they had a heck of a lot to do with that!;)
I have several NRA shirts, some Polo style others button down Oxfords, and a heavyweight down filled vest. All are still holding up quite nicely and wre definitely made of quality materials and built to last. Never thought much of their low budget basball caps though.

I think I agree with you, but actually I would prefer that the NRA and the power it is wielding be more influenced by the unrestricted feedback of its membership, old and new.

The current state of blue vs. red partisan politics, I don't care as long as I don't have to exert effort will not get us the best results. I would like to see more grassroots feedback received by the NRA and responded to by the NRA.
Over 50 years ago i joined the NRA because i valued my Second Amendment rights. Still belong to the NRA and could care less about the hats and baubles.

IMO: It's a sad commentary on gun owners when the NRA must give out stuff to get new members.

Maybe 50 plus years ago we should have let the NRA fold, instead of fighting for over a half century so todays NRA members can complain about a free hat.:rolleyes:

Then today they could be complaining because they can't find any 22 ammo for their single shot 22 rifle.
Probably the only gun they could own if it wasn't for the NRA and us past members.

Hell, I'm a Life Member and I haven't seen a free NRA hat in over 30 years.:D


Democracy is the philosophy of a free hat under the laws of physics and you're betrayed?
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