I might have been to harsh on a local kid..

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To try to stay on the High Road, I won't say much except that a lot of people here sound like they have the same cowardly busibody attitude of the average soccer mom. People need to grow up and realize that kids having harmless fun is nothing more than kids having harmless fun.

Between this thread and
I'm starting to think that many of the chest thumping ninjas on this board are not only terrified of children but need to get a life.
That's a good point Cracked Butt, just keep them off my lawn and away from my loved ones and my property. Let them shoot bottle rockets at your house or something. Thanks for your understanding.
Yeah 'boys will be boys', right? How many unfit parents have used that one to excuse the little hellions they've raised with no sense of right and wrong?

If they want to shoot rockets and cap guns at each other, they can do it in their own house.
Geeez Louise!

What happens when some kid accidentally throws a ball into you guys' back yards.

Oh - wait. I know...
You put on your ninja suits, grab your kitanas, strap on a 1911 and then go outside, hide in the shadows and lop their heads off when they violate the sanctity of your holy domains! Yeah that's it. That's the ticket. :neener:
Geeez Louise!

What happens when some kid accidentally throws a ball into you guys' back yards.p

I kindly grab the ball for them, hand it back, and ask them if they play ball in school or on any teams, generally shoot the breeze if I'm not terribly busy.

If a kid purposely threw a ball at my home, then it's a different story. Time to let the police handle the little vandals if talking to the parents first does not help. And I'd be confiscating the ball until I spoke with the parents.

In this story, no one accidentally threw a cap-gun wielding kid into this guy's yard. The kid willfully trespassed onto private property and did something completely stupid.

The other story was not about some kids' bottle rocket going astray and accidentally screaming off onto the roadway either. You cannot equate the two, and even in trying to do so, you are not making your point very well anyway.

Are you a liberal by any chance? Because it would explain why you seem to hold the opinion that the little booger-eaters should be able to do as they please, running amok in the nieghborhood, trespassing, shooting bottle rockets at people and such without reprimand, because, after all 'they're just being kids'. If parents cannot accept the reponsibility to raise their children right, to stay out of people's property and not vandalize or be a punk, then when he comes into my property, they've just made it my problem. One that will be dealt with, either by the parents themselves after a nice long talk, or by the police in juvy hall if need be.

But maybe I am reading you wrong?

Oh - wait. I know...
You put on your ninja suits, grab your kitanas, strap on a 1911 and then go outside, hide in the shadows and lop their heads off when they violate the sanctity of your holy domains! Yeah that's it. That's the ticket

Now no need to be an idiot. I'm a mall ninja because I don't want your kids on my property? How about I let my dogs crap in your yard then? I didn't nail your wife, I am not raising your kids.
in hindsight, my post might have come off a little harsh. I stand by the way I feel, but I'm not sure the "idiot" comment was warranted. I apologize, but I don't like people insinuating that I am some stupid mall-ninja-wannabe commando because I prefer to decide who can do what and when on my own property.
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