Response to Splattergun
The converted CC was just my short hand way of saying VMD converted to CC. I don't use it to calibrate the scales, I use it as a safety check only. I have measured the CC's from the Perfect Powder dispenser (on the arm that protrudes out, to see the CC level), and I've documented those values.
I first calibrate my scale at zero, then half way to my weight with scale weights (nearest .0 or .5), then at the nearest .0 or .5 to the weight I want. Making sure the scale is consistent.
I then set the CC on the powder dispenser based on the average of my historical recordings.
I set the scale to the weight I want.
I dispense the powder, then weight it. I should have to only make very minor adjustments, if any at all on the powder dispenser. If the weight is off by a lot, that means I set the scale wrong. In the case I had the other day, I moved from 8.0 to 7.2. This safety check caught that. I set the scale to 8.2.
I always verify my own weights, it just seemed odd that the Lee published VMD is different than what I get. My numbers come from what I have to turn the CC dial to, to toss the correct weight. I created the VMD from the actual weighted powder, not the other way around. I have read the the Lee instructions. I was just really curious as to why my measured delta was so different. Maybe theirs was geared to the scoopers an there is that much difference between a scooper and a scale.
Response to ReLoadon
I don't see those deviations in my calculated VMD, but then I created my VMD from the actual scale measurements. As I mentioned above, I set the arm dial on the powder dispenser to toss the correct weight. When that is done, I document the CC. I keep that value as a safety check only. I've never used a scooper (unless you count my coffee scooper and that is not overly accurate, but the coffee tastes the same).
If I understand both of your comments correctly, I'm going to guess Lee based their numbers on using a scooper, and probably used the low end to be safe (my theory only), and that's why their numbers differ from what I am calculating using the scale to create my CC value.