If gun control were up to you!

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I would have mandatory gun safety and marksmanship taught in our public schools.

Not mandatory but as a PE option. We had stuff like weightlifting, flag
football, volleyball, and such to choose from each semester. Why not
gun safety and marksmanship?

I would also have it as a supported sport type (football/baseball). You could
try out for the Trap and Skeet team, Long Range Marksman team, or 3Gun
...stuff like that.

Background checks would be the only thing I would like to enforce. It makes perfect sense to prevent criminals from obtaining guns. No information would be collected during these checks.

I agree..... once the check is done all information is deleted.

If one is a citizen or legal resident I see no reason why they should
not be allowed to own and CCW the firearm of their choice.
No nukes, bio or chemical, for any individual. Artilary, rockets and HE would be at the discretion of the state. Open or concealed carry for all w/o lisc. Full auto as well. No background check, they are not needed. We will keep violent felons in jail, which will no longer be a breeze. No TV, you will be forced to work for your supper and pay for your up keep. No weight rooms or fany gyms for the inmates, make prison more like a prison. The punishment should fit the crime, where you get serious hard time for violence. I also believe in a true 2 strikes rule. Any combination of 2 violent crimes and you NEVER get out. If you murder someone, well the state should not be burdened by your upkeep. Give them a quick appeal process and then the needle. If you commit a non-violent crime you wil have your 2nd ammendment rights restored upon completing you sentence, but we will have a 3 strikes rule for non-violent offenders.

Firearms education would begin early and would be required for all students unless they have a moral/relegious objection. As for the entire requiring people to be armed I would not although I would expect the State to provide a suitable "loaner" weapon for those who can prove a financial hardshp.
Hughes Amendment is repealed.

Lautenberg undergoes SERIOUS reform. Good intention, crap application.

Waiting periods removed entirely, replaced by an improved check system.

NFA Background check reduced to one month, and tax stamp reduced to $10.

Concealed Carry restictions removed nationwide, with permit reciprocity up to the states.

Here's another suggestion, don't know if anyone would go for it:

Shall-Issue Federal Check and Carry Permit. Basically, this is a federal CCW Permit. This permit is the same requirements as a NFA item today without the tax stamp (fingerprints, 6 month check), and the difference that a LEO MUST sign-off on it. If refused, it must be a damn good reason.

This permit is valid in every state, but also counts as your NICS. Instead of filling out your form as you do now, you just show your FCCP. This card is considered a "pass" on any background check for ANY firearm. Semi-autos, machineguns, DDs, you name it, this is your check.

Would anyone support this kind of permit? I understand it to be an infringement, but at least it's not as big a shafting as you're getting right now.
Do background checks really keep criminals or other bad guys from getting guns? I think not, so you fellows who are willing to make this compromise are falling into the same thinking trap that the anti's fall into. They think "get rid of bad guns" at the expense of the law abiding person, and everyone will be safe. You think "get rid of bad gun purchasers" at the expense of the law abiding person and everyone will be safe. Neither approach works and just encroaches on the natural right to self defense (which even people who have gone to jail naturally have once they are out of jail).
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Gun Control would never be up to me, because if it were up to me, there would BE no gun control.

Same restrictions as power tools in a hardware store, i.e. no selling to minors without parental supervision. That's about it.
First of all, I would register all the liberals. Then I would confiscate them because no reasonable person would have a need to have a liberal around. Then I would send them to Mexico! :neener:

I would also have it where a person who shoots in self defense cannot be sued by the criminal.
If gun control were up to me I would,

Continue with the mandatory NICS check
Do away with all requirements for a CCW permit nationwide
Automatic death by firing squad for those who commit serious offenses (rape, murder, kidnapping)
BATF would only regulate highly explosive weapons such as bombs, missiles, and heavy artillery.
Fully automatic small arms will be readily available in gun stores and sporting goods stores.
MANDATORY Firearms safety course in ALL schools nationwide.
Nationwide Castle Doctrine law
Minimum age of 16 to purchase ALL firearms (thats how old u have to be to get a drivers license) after showing proof of completion of a gun safety course, and parental approval.

Thats all I can think of right now.
All current gun control laws would be stricten from the the books, Federal and State. An absolute restructure of gun laws would look like this:

1) Possession and carry of guns would be allowed, and encouraged.
2) Education on gun safety would start in elementry school. Somewhere around 4th or 5th grade (9-10yrs old) the education would begin. It would start with the dangers, identification and recoginition and consiquences for missuse of firearms. As grades progressed so would the lessons. Handling, firing, when to use, ect. Also, the basics would be covered every class (the original lessons in review).
3) Missuse of firearms would have strict penalties. Needless crimes with guns, negligent discharges, ect. Depending on the situation (ND w/no injuries = one penalty, ND w/injuries = stricter penalty, ect) would depend on penalty.
4) Intentional action with a firearm would mean immediate loss of right to keep and bear arms, jail time and fine.

There would be no 3 strike rule. Continuous education on the handling and use of firearms since 10yrs of age, plus respect for the use and care of firearms should mean that intentional use of a firearm in a crime have stricter penalty.

That, roughly, is what I would have as my "gun policy".
My take like it or not, you asked. Just a few simple laws that would be easy to follow, and everything else on the books goes away.

1.) Purchase age of 18 for any and all weapons. If they can put you in a uniform and send you off to war then you should be able to buy a pistol (or a beer for that matter).

2.) Only restricted classes of weapons would be destructive devices ie grenades, grenade launchers, RPGs, artillery, C4, and well you get the idea. To own DDs you would have to prove you have a safe area to use them, perhaps be a member of an artillery range :D , and have a safe storage facility. I wouldnt want people hoarding RPGs in the basement next to the furnace. The only thing that would be totally off limits would be nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. They really dont have any responsible use in private hands. Some people wont like my stance on DDs, but I have explained it before in other posts.

3.) End lawsuits against gun makers over the use of their products. It kills me when somebody is shot in a crime the family sues Jennings. However when somebody is killed in a drunk driving accident nobody sues Ford, or Jack Daniels.

4.) Commit a crime faciliting the use of a weapon (robbery, rape, murder) go to prison on a mandatory life sentence with no possibility of parole.

5.) National shall issue CCW no exceptions (thats directed at you IL,WS,DC,ect).

6.) I would support mandatory training for carry permits. We expect our LEOs to be trained on the proper use of their weapons so how are we any different. If somebody draws a gun in a crowded area to shoot a BG I want them to first have proved they can hit a piece of paper at 10 feet. I have been next to shooters at the range before that would horrify you with their marksmanship. If you can pass pass the test on the first try then you can skip the training, and be issued a permit. And naturally federal buildings are off limits.

7.) No weapons to be exported outside the U.S without authorization.

8.) Must be permanent U.S resident to purchase.

..........and thats it. Eight simple effective laws that would be all the "gun control" any society would ever need.
If it were up to me, there will be no gun laws. The only gun law I would have on the books would be if a politician ever tries to bring up any legislation that infringes upon the Second Amendment, they will be thrown out of office and charged with a felony for violating the Constitution!
Id enforce the constitution as it was originally meant.Shall not be infringed means what it says folks, shall not be infringed.

No paperwork,cash or credit.Mandatory opening of shooting ranges in each city.You buy the gun then are taught safety courses just like getting a first hunting tag, however if you can show you can be safe with it and know how to use it then you can skip it and just go and enjoy.no license required because it is the second ammendment.Sound suppressors mandatory at all ranges.No special stuff,no tax, no check, nadda to get one.

belt feds whatever,should not matter.Abolish the atf completely,I think the fbi can handle the law on the federal level,state boys and local on their levels.Abolish completely all gun laws,import and made here restrictions.Id be tough on breaking the law though,i.e., you kill,you should be gassed in a week,for violent offenders, a small explosive charge in ones leg,go where your not supposed to and end of leg.

one last thing, guns confiscated in crimes refurbished and sold back on the market.The gun didnt do the crime, the person did.If its junk,its sent off to be used to make a non junk gun.
No laws on guns, but a federal mandatory minimum of 25 years in addition to any sentence received for a felony that resulted in serious injury or death, and no parole on any crime without full restitution.

A federal 'castle' law that includes your home, car, school, campsite, and workplace.

The right to defend your property against theft or vandalism: since replacing that which is stolen requires additional hours of work, stealing violated 'involuntary servitude' amendment.

Also an additional $200 tax credit for each taxpayer who can show that they bought ammunition which was used to maintain their personal protection skills.
Other than the ones that mentioned the 2nd Amendment, noone said anything about OPEN CARRY. Why conceal it? SHOW IT OFF so the BGs know you are armed....
And if a couple of idiots want a 'Show Down at High Noon' so be it. Just take it out of town so no one gets a stray bullet. If a bystander gets hit by one, it is his fault, ha knew the risk of being in the area
spyderdude? Why would you continue with the nics check if you have no one banned from owning? it seems pointless.

gerinomotwo? So you will have a nics check for everyone to go through? How else will you stop sales to prohibited persons?

Gun laws do not keep guns from the hands of criminals. Anyone willing to face the penalty for murder or robbery is not going to be deterred by a gun law. (Unless of course, you enforce the gun law with capital punishment.)
The commission of a crime involving any firearm warrants capitol punishment.

Unless you are going to force them do be a politician, I think you mean capital punishment.

Does this apply to the hunter charged with trespass for wandering into the wrong field?
How about an ND that violates the a city statute of discharging a firearm?
Or the guy who wounds an attacker, but is not found justified in attempting to use lethal force.
None of the ideas brought forward would work without replacing the teeth into the concept of Militia. I'd make mandatory service into the 'Homeland Defense Forces'. Perhaps two years in which weapons handling would play a large, but not overwhelming, part. For example, in South Louisiana (actually, along the Mississippi River Delta) people need to learn how to deal with flooding preparations, rescue efforts, etc. Women would also be required to attend Homeland Defense Service, perhaps all women would be required to be certified Field Medics though men could also opt for that MOS as well.

I think there should be HDF drills once per month and one weekend per year for testing:

Firearms proficiency -20" M-16A2 or A4 depending on what you were issued.
MOS proficiency (Field medic, MOUT, Resistance and Evading, Small Arms Specialist, etc)

(you get the point)

In my humble opinion, preserving the right to own weapons is meaningless if it's out of proper context, i.e., CITIZEN'S DEFENSE.

One thing I'd like to do is, say, take a one week HDF training with those in, say, Arizona so I'd have some exposure to desert survival one year and another year with, say, Minnesota or Wisconsin to get some cold weather exposure.

If one failed to qualify he/she would be fined a percentage of his/her income and would have to obtain a Permit to own anything but his assigned AR-15. One would be required to take a makeup test. If not, perhaps the M16/AR-15 would be secured and you'd have to go thru commercial channels to buy one for yourself. If their was no medical reasons for failure the person would have to pay a yearly fee to keep the commercially-purchased 'sturmgewehr' to encourage one to keep the faith, so to speak. There would have to be some sort of exemption for those with physical issues, obviously, as well as those who are over, say, 50. I would offer tax breaks for those who use ammunition in monthly competitions as well as those who are over 50 and continue to drill or are licensed instructors and do choose to instruct.

I'm thinking that the issued weapons would be a Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm and a Colt AR-15 (both American made and well built). Perhaps, I'd prefer a different national weapon, but whatever the US military uses we would be trained on & issued.

I'm not TOTALLY opposed to registering the issued weapon, but I'm not wholly into no registration. The problem lies in us not being vigilant; the current system-as-designed is probably okay - assuming we'd educate ourselves as to the proper intent of the Fathers which would include the viewing the 2nd Amendment in it's proper context: Defense of the Community (which OBVIOUSLY includes defense of SELF).

If you had complete authority to decide any and all gun control laws in the United States, what would you do? Would you keep any gun control laws at all? If so which ones? What issues would you leave up to states to decide? And what do you think the NRA would do if they were in this same position?

I was just thinking, would'nt it be nice if our representatives asked us this?

0. No laws restricting caliber :) ( I would like to purchase a 75mm field gun)
1. NO laws restricting weapons
2. NO laws restricting ammo
3. You commit a crime with a weapon you do time 10 years minimum NO LEANANCY.
4. You commit 1st degree murder or 2nd degree murder you get the death penalty.
5. Misdemeanors are on a per case basis (I am not sure of all the rules)
6. Federal castle law, includes YOUR PERSON, YOUR FAMILY, YOUR CAR, YOUR DOG, YOUR HOME, RV etc ( basically you have the right to defend your property)
7. Federal law that states no amendments shall be made to restrict weaponry
8. Federal law that states no federal agencies shall be created like the BATFE.
9. NO selling to minors without THEIR adult's / guardian present. (guardian must take the same responsibility if the youth shoots someone)
10. I would keep the NICS in place but mandate a 1 day waiting period. (I don't want felons to have guns just as much as the rest of you.)(Might not be a problem if they are dead though)(this would also be a good "cooling off period")
11. No records of firearms transactions or NICS checks will be kept past 1 day other than maybe a reciept incase of defects.
12. Firearms manufacturers and bullet manufacturers cannot and will not be held responsible for what a USER does with the weapon.
13. Mandate national law that states every man or women 18 and above are required to own atleast 1 firearm of their choice, this includes minimum of 100 rounds. ( Call it the Homeland Defence ACT) (however no registraton of this or proof is necessary, were gonna take this one on faith)
14. If above law 13 cannot be upheld due to monetary woes, the government will provide you with an M1 Garand, M1 carbine, or m14, M16, mod 1903 (1) from surplus at a discounted rate.
15. Confiscated weapons due to criminal activity will be given to the government for and put up for sale for the rest of us to aquire.

*4) Firing solid-tipped ATGMs or handheld SAMs at targets sounds like fun.*
ErikM that does sound like fun to me.

*I am assuming that the '21' laws will be repealed? What about the people who cant afford a pistol? I cant afford even a makarov now with my current budget. I am not trying to be a troll, but I am merely asking about the proposed requirement's details.*

Forgot who asked this but this should take care of that problem. Would you like a discounted Garand?
I'd replace the 2A with:

The right of anyone not incarcerated (the People) to keep and bear arms with absolutely no restrictions set forth by any federal, state, or local government, shall not be infringed.

How can you argue with that? :)

edit: and what SoCalShooter said.
There would be NO gun control. Just more stringent penalty for misuse. Use a gun in a crime go to jail and serve your longer term with no time for good behavior. Kill someone while in comission of a crime, NO jail, swift execution. Kill someone in self defense, medal of honor.
glock? If anyone sucessfully uses a gun in defense fo self, or loved ones,,, or even of property, you want them relieved of responsibility?

I agree,,, I have three daughters, and I just removed all of my "low road" comments.

Gun control means using two hands, if that is what it takes to hit your target.
There would be no control period. Kill someone who doesn't need it and you are gone too. Any politician who proposes gun restrictions can be killed by anybody that wants to.
The only gun laws I'd keep would be the ones which involve using said guns in a dangerous* (intentional or otherwise) manner, and allowance for <i>private </i> individuals or groups to ban firearms from their property - provided they provide armed protection on the facilities. :) Otherwise, anything, anywhere goes.

* Intentionally dangerous firearm handling, unintentional and wanton firearm handling, firing in a crowded area, handling a firearm while inebriated and in public, etc.
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