If you're considering buying hi-cap magazines...

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Jun 25, 2009
May I suggest doing what I did today. I took the price of one 16 round magazine for my FNP-9 (about $25 at CDNN) and donated it to the NRA-ILA. Just think of what the ILA could do if everyone donated the cost of just one magazine to them. If you are opposed to the NRA, then donate to your favorite organization that supports and defends the 2nd Amendment.
I wish we could get all those who have bought guns, ammunition and magazines over the past 3 weeks to get involved politically!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By that I mean if nothing else write a letter and send an email. That is not enough but if ALL who have acted to purchase in the past days would do that we would be further ahead. I they would contribute at least $5 to NRA ILA or 2nd Ammendment Foundation we could probably beat the up comming legislation proposals.
If anyone reading this has any ideas as to how to get these people involved please bring them forth NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been saying this until I'm blue in the face every day.

Also, to those I know personally that have said 'it won't matter' and refuse to write their Congress critters, I promised them if any of these Bills pass I will punch them in the nose. :)
At the same time, there are some reps with whom I wouldn't bother. If my reps were Boxer, Feinstein, McCarthy, Lautenberg, etc, I wouldn't bother.

I have contacted mine to thank them for the knowledge that I don't need to contact them. :)
I`m a Life Member of the NRA and my first item today isto send a letter of protest to the NRA about LaPiere`s pathetic socialist answer to the Sandy Hook shootings. Where is Charleton Heston when we need him?

Last week I bought zero guns, ammo, and magazines and joined GOA and SAF for the first time. the NRA needs to clean house if it is going to be anything other than a convenient target for the liberal media.
NRA has 4.3 million members. If 1/4 of them sent $25 each to NRA-ILA, and a similar number of non-NRA citizens did the same, that would be a nice pool of money to fight the anti-gun groups.

Sent using Tapatalk...so please excuse the typos!
I wish we could get all those who have bought guns, ammunition and magazines over the past 3 weeks to get involved politically

When push comes to shove, they will. Most people don't believe their government is not interested in rights and helping people. They'll come around to it when the confiscators knock.
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