I got into the VV stuff when I ran out of Norma R123 after Norma discontinued it. I thought Lil'gun was the best replacement but I tried some of the VV N350, 3N38, N105, and N110 in my quest. The correct answer was N105. So naturally, they discontinued N105 as well.
Then I decided to try N550, N555, and N560 in the 270 Winchester with Speer Grand Slams. I settled on N555.
Then I was looking for a replacement for Green Dot ... which turned out to be N320. I also tried N330 and N340 in place of Unique, etc.
There is probably a really close match for Unique from VV, but they just don't import it. For example, they have N324, N325, N326, N328, N331, N338, N342, N344, N347, etc. They just don't sell them into the retail market.
I was always a Hercules and IMR person as those were what were on my grandfather's reloading bench when I was little. So I have a lot of the Alliant and IMR powders. In fact, in my spreadsheet of inventory, I have notes to remind me which IMR or Alliant powder any particular VV powder is close to. N120 says "4198 speed" and N133 says "3031 speed", etc. Not that they are grain-for-grain replacements, just that they are in that zone.
Whenever I'd order something from the Alliant or IMR list from an online merchant, I'd always ride along a pound or two of another powder I'd like to try out just to make use of the pricey Hazmat fees. Thus, I have kind of filled out my VV stash. That habit over the years means I have a pound of just about everything lying around.
And don't forget, if you use N530, you need to load up now. They have stopped importing it but it's still around at a few retailers.