I think you can,, I use it in 45/70 for my Magnum Research BFR revolver 40 grains with a 300 grain LRNFP and it works great. I believe 3031 at one time was a go to powder for 308 but I may be wrong. I have an old IMR manual from 2000 if you need any data .things are scarce around here. my local shop has a few pounds of imr 3031 on the shelf collecting dust. im thinking of buying them. think i can get decent hunting loads for 308 and 3006?
things are scarce around here. my local shop has a few pounds of imr 3031 on the shelf collecting dust. im thinking of buying them. think i can get decent hunting loads for 308 and 3006?
It can be loaded in 30-06 but isn't anywhere near the best choice.
It's a moderate fast rifle powder which is extruded, gives good case fill and burns easy. Your best results for hunting will be with lighter bullets 150 gainers.
That’s exactly what it’s made for.things are scarce around here. my local shop has a few pounds of imr 3031 on the shelf collecting dust. im thinking of buying them. think i can get decent hunting loads for 308 and 3006?
what grain bullets on the 243?I've used it for several calibers from 223 up through 45-70. It shined in a couple of 243 loads and of all things the 270 under 130gr bullets. Nope it hasn't been a top end velocity powder, but like mentioned, has turned in some outstanding accuracy and has accounted for several generations of happiness in the game fields. The 270 load runs just over 2800fps, and is mild recoilling. I worked it up for my then 68yr old mother and it has done well since being used by my daughter and three grandsonss.
I would look at the 75 grain bullets... if your looking fore red mist the 58 grain red tip would likely be lightning fast... a chuck, squirl or small vamit would explode....what grain bullets on the 243?
well it just so happens i came across a box of old herters hollow points. 70 or 75s i dont recall. i might try that.I would look at the 75 grain bullets... if your looking fore red mist the 58 grain red tip would likely be lightning fast... a chuck, squirl or small vamit would explode....
But it can be found. 62$ around here.I use the stuff for 303 and 7.65x53- I hope you got a good price. IMR powders can be really pricey nowadays.