confed sailor
I dont mean to be a thread pooper, but the bullet is ancillary to the weapon;
Differing engagement scenarios, differing conditions. What matters is the user, I personally use a Model 10 for the house gun; sure I only get six chances to get it right, but quite frankly I shoot and have shot that revolver more than any other handgun i own. Im confident in the weapon and would rather stand behind it than some super-whamodyne, uber-tacticle auto in .45 manstomper that ive only dry fired. I can do more with the 6 shots in a revolver than most of my shipmates with the M9 and 12 chances.
But back to the task at hand, 7.62x25 out my semi PPSH if they are close and 7.92X57 out the FN49 if they aint so close.
Btw: Dont bother to gripe at my rant, im on deployment and will be out to sea for the next 4 odd months after this lil port call in Bahrain
Differing engagement scenarios, differing conditions. What matters is the user, I personally use a Model 10 for the house gun; sure I only get six chances to get it right, but quite frankly I shoot and have shot that revolver more than any other handgun i own. Im confident in the weapon and would rather stand behind it than some super-whamodyne, uber-tacticle auto in .45 manstomper that ive only dry fired. I can do more with the 6 shots in a revolver than most of my shipmates with the M9 and 12 chances.
But back to the task at hand, 7.62x25 out my semi PPSH if they are close and 7.92X57 out the FN49 if they aint so close.
Btw: Dont bother to gripe at my rant, im on deployment and will be out to sea for the next 4 odd months after this lil port call in Bahrain
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