In WA is there a limit to the amount of firearms you can have in your car?

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May 19, 2021
Mill Creek, WA
Going to the range with a friend tomorrow and was wondering if there is a limit imposed upon how many firearms you can have with you before you run afowl of the law.

IIRC when I lived in NY there was a limit of 4 firearms allowed in the vehicle. Not 100% sure on this but its what I vaguely remember. Something about 4 or more firearms constitutes an arsenal or maybe that was regarding the number of firearms you own . . . its fuzzy at the moment.

We're shooting pistols and rifles, and possibly shotguns. I decided to stick to 4 firearms based on my vague memory of NY law.

Am I being overcautious here? I assume so but I also don't want some cop watching me pull a number of firearms from the trunk of my vehicle and end up in hot water.

Thanks for your help,
Range trip went great. Ended up bringing two pistols, a shotgun, and three rifles.

Was most happy to learn that Hornady Black .308 168g has same POI/POA as Hornady Whitetail .308 165g in my rifle . . . I can shoot tiny groups and at some point in the future go hunting without having to mess with my zero 😁
Thirty years ago I was good friends with a plaintiff’s liability lawyer named Richard who owned five NFA machine guns and a new Jeep.

He had flat out bought a police Captain’s commission in a tiny little burg, and carried his gold badge as a sort of get out of jail free card.

One day we blasted through a little town wide open at a hundred miles an hour that was a wide spot in the road with five machine guns in the back seat and rear cargo area plus an assortment of pistols, my did Dick love pistols, there were lots of pistols, There was a local police car there at the one store.

Richard never lifted off the gas, and a minute or so later we were over the horizon and comparatively safe.

I asked Dick what the protocol was, if we ever got stopped in such situations.

He replied that he might just be taking me in for questioning, and I decided I’d play along, if he did.

When the Las Vegas shooting happened in 2017 another lawyer called me and wondered where Dick was, but soon enough it became apparent it wasn’t him.:)
Yep, no limit. I can neither confirm nor deny that I've traveled to my group's annual "shoot'n'hoot" with 6 to 8 long guns and 10 to 12 handguns...
Old Dog do you go the the WA GUNS NEW YEARS DAY SHOOT at the Evergreen Gun Range down below Olympia?
I have beentalkingmygrandson there for the last five years.
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