Installing a golden rod dehumidifer

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Feb 21, 2007
God Bless America
Experts: I removed the plug at the back of my safe. However, something hard like wood or the fire proofing material appears to be in the way. Do I just drill/cut through it all or what? There is still the gray interior cloth on the inside as well. Please advise. :)
I used a thin phillips screwdriver to push from the inside out and make as small a hole as needed. Perfect? hardly and quite effective at not looking too bad. If I had it to do again I am not sure I would have bothered. The goldenrod does nothing for me.
Doesn't keep the inside of my safe dry. I have some re-useable dessicant packs, and they get soaked overnight it seems. Matter of fact, I am recharging them now.
Small screwdriver; get a GoldenRod with the removable plug so only the bare wire has to go through the hole; caulk (I used fireplace mortar my neighbor had); and forget the dessicant.

Make sure the rod goes on the floor. I pulled the shelves out from the back wall about a quarter inch to improve air flow. Heck, I have 2 GRs in the safe. If you could see my gritty, unheated, damp 1916 basement you'd understand.

The GR works by circulating air through the safe and keeping the guns warmer than the outside air entering. No condensation, no rust. It doesn't lower the humidity in the safe much at all, it just keeps it from collecting on the guns.

I tried using a big box of crystals from the gun store and a huge tub of flower-drying crystals from hobby shop at the same time - it was a total waste, they filled up in three days or so. I tossed them years ago and the guns are fine sitting in the safe in my very damp basement.

I have had my safe for about six years now, iinstalled in a corner of my garage. I had goldenrod type dehumidifier put in when the safe was installed. The dealer also supplied a big dessicant bag and to this day it has not needed "recharging"
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