Is the CMP killing prices on Garands?

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I still need to pick up a rack grade for future rebuild to like new. That may have to wait on other priorities. I doubt they will run out of rack grade for a while.
For shooters, you can also pick up bare receivers for as little as $150. Build them into completed rifles at your convenience. :D

~G. Fink
Anyone hear the rumor about Korean stocks of M1 Garands and M1 Carbines being sold off?

Can't remember where I heard that (about 2-3 months back), but I'd love to see some aimsurplus M1 carbines for $99!!
(hey, i can dream!)
I was at a gunshow in Nashville this weekend. Of the Springfield M1's, Rack and Field Grades were going for $600-$650. There was one that would rate as a Service Grade priced at $750. (I took my gauges). There were a couple of IHCs, one priced at $850 and another for $1000. They looked nice but I wasn't interested enough to see how "correct" they were. Near the end of the last day, not a one of 'em had sold.
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