Is there any decent option for a 45 colt lever action to shoot heavy cast loads?


Sep 16, 2015
I won an auction for 5.5" 45 colt Ruger Redhawk the other day. I intend to shoot primarily Ruger only loads in it, like 300-330 grain hard cast at 1200 fps or so. I got to thinking today it might be fun to have 45 colt lever action to share the same loads. That's about the power level I typically load my 45/70 too anyway, so possibly I could just consolidate.

I have never really researched them but I've heard a lot of 45 colt lever actions have obscenely large chambers or slows twist rates or oversize bores. What should I be looking for? My preference would be a marlin.
regardless of the action one should also take a look a the thickness of the barrel extension where it screws into the frame. you are also correct about the loose chamber warnings on 45 colts. just rambling on here.
My Henry Side Gate Steel in 45 Colt is extremely accurate with a 250 gn RNFP over 8.1 gn of Unique. I realize that's not a Ruger Only load, but just saying it's a very accurate rifle, for a Pistol caliber lever action.

Yes, but is the rate of barrel twist sufficient for stabilizing up to 330 gr. cast bullets, as the OP wants to do?
Your typical 1-30" or 1-38" really cuts off at 300gr. The newer Chiappa's supposedly have the standard pistol twist. I haven't verified this yet. The action can always be tuned to feed longer bullets. The .454 is an option and has its standard 1-24" twist. I know mine feeds 360's in .454 cases.
I've heard they are pretty fickle about feeding 45 colt. Any experience?
No problems here with my .454 Rossi 92 feeding .45 Colt. I probably shoot as much .45 Colt using the RCBS 45-270-SAA over 10 grains of Unique as I shoot .454 loads through it.
I have a 1892 in 45 colt and the LBT or WLBT lead bullets do not feed well.... they do however shoot well.....
round nose flat points feed ok....and the xtp feed good-
I would strongly prefer a flat top action like a marlin so I can put a peep sight on the back. Looks like Henry and S&W both list theirs as 1:20 twist. I find the Henry's to be ugly but its a pretty big price premium for the S&W.