I've got a question...

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Mar 13, 2005
Martin County,Kentucky
My Uncle is going to try and become a F.E.M.A. Contractor.
And As such F.E.M.A. is deployed whenever trouble breaks loose,we'll be trucking in supplies to those effected (Which I hope nothing as bad a Katrina happens again).

But do any of you know if you're working for a contractor if you can arm yourself with your personal weapon for self defense (Let's say that you have a C.C.W. permit) and you're going into a state that doesn't honor your home state's C.C.W.

Can you still carry that weapon in the vehicle you're riding in,as long as you obey that state's laws on your handgun,or long arm?

Any help on this subject would be great.
Everything depends on the laws of the state you're in. You are subject to those laws, irrespective of whether or not you're on Federal Government business. Only Federal law enforcement officers, carrying on duty, are exempt from such laws.
I would be shocked if FEMA didn't have rules prohibiting being armed irregardless of state CCW laws. Didn't they try to de-certify Dallas Search and Rescue because they brought armed police officers with them as part of their team to LA?
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