When the pics leaked a week ago, I was intrigued that Kel Tec was going back to its roots with the internal magazine from the Grendel .380 days, but I wasn't feeling the 5.7, however I understand why they went with that as for an internal magazine you want as high a capacity as possible. Going with an internal mag also means the grip length and width can be reduced a little because the box magazine is eliminated and that's big with 5.7 pistols because the cartridge is very long.
As stated, 20 rounds is probably enough to take care of any situation and really, how many guys are even carrying a spare mag these days? I criticize people for not doing it, but if they're not then the detachable magazine offers little over an internal magazine.
The cost of the ammo also had me disinterested, but upon further review the price of 5.7 has come down significantly with some places selling it for $21 a box on sale. That very well may be the basement for the caliber, but if so that's not bad compared to where it was in the past. I'm still not sold on the 5.7 out of a pistol, it seems weak and there are as many cons as there are pros, but in the right situation, whatever situation that is, the 5.7 could be superior to a 9mm. I'd have to wargame that a bit more.
The clips look like something people with 3D printers are going to play around with improving and I'm sure 20 round clips will be coming in the future, in fact I think extended grip floorplates to up the capacity of this to 30 rounds is likely coming. That'll be a long grip, but 30 rounds of 5.7 in a $350 pistol? Awesome.
Normally in these instances I'd be thinking about a PCC that shared mags with the pistol, but 5.7 PCC's still aren't as good as 5.56 and even if I did want a 5.7 PCC, there's nothing wrong with pairing this Kel Tec internal mag pistol with it.
I had little interest in the 5.7 prior to this, but seeing the prices of the ammo now, plus the price of the pistol, Kel Tec may have done the unthinkable and gotten me to seriiously consider buying a 5.7.
2025 is looking like it will be a wild year.