KelTec's new PR57


Nov 23, 2006
Did you guys see this? A super light 5.7 is cool, but I don't know how well an internal magazine loaded with stripper clips is gonna sell
At $399 they’re bringing the 5.7 down into a whole new price range. Of course ammo won’t follow.

Not enamored by the top loading non-removable mag. KELTEC is billing it as a CCW option on its site. Seems to me to complicate things under duress. Of course one could take the stance that with 21 rounds you shouldn’t need to reload in a non mil combat encounter.
And might fly in states with detachable magazine bans.,
That's my wonder and like Frulk said, 21 rounds should be enough for any self defence situation.

I kinda like it because it's absurd, the price is great too but I've been burned before on the first run of KelTec and being a beta tester
It looks interesting (the locking lugs on the front of the barrel pique my curiosity of nothing else), though price wise I've seen times when PSA has the Rock parts on sale where you can get the parts for the whole gun for $300 (which is what I paid for mine).

I wouldn't worry about the stripper clips. IF needed they're not that slow, and as others have mentioned if you're in a self defense scenario you're unlikely to need more than 20 rounds.
It looks interesting (the locking lugs on the front of the barrel pique my curiosity of nothing else), though price wise I've seen times when PSA has the Rock parts on sale where you can get the parts for the whole gun for $300 (which is what I paid for mine).

I wouldn't worry about the stripper clips. IF needed they're not that slow, and as others have mentioned if you're in a self defense scenario you're unlikely to need more than 20 rounds.
I personally am not worried too much about it, I do think it'll impact sales though.
Seems like they should make a rifle that feeds from AR mag stripper clips to get passed ban states as well. I might have to get a 5.7 pistol finally and use the ammo I bought 5 years ago
It looks cool, but I don’t think I’d like the internal mag. If I bought a 5.7, I’d roll with the Tisas.

I'd rather Kel-Tec get in cahoots with Rock Island Armory and make a 22 TCM. I love Kel-Tec's PMR 30, and the 22TCM would be for me an added value over the 5.7. even though there is only one bullet made for the 22TCM by Armscor.
I like my Keltec pistols (P32, P17 and CP33). I think the PR57 is an innovative gun but it doesn't have a lot of practical use. I can see how someone that can't handle 9mm recoil might choose it over a .380. But with the high cost of ammo I don't foresee picking one up as a range toy. 5.7x28 looses a lot of its effectiveness when shot from a 4" handgun barrel instead of a 16" rifle barrel.

I like this review of the 5.7 power from a hand gun.

Too bad they didn't make it in 22 TCM! IF I do ever buy a 5.7x28 it would probably be a Keltec PR57, but that isn't very likely.

P.S. I will say the advertised 13.9oz weight is similar to my Keltec P17 which is an incredibly lite pistol.
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I think it’s unique. Kind of an old-timey-like modern pistol. It’s too bad I have no interest in the 5.7 round. Other than that, I kind of like it.
I think it’s unique. Kind of an old-timey-like modern pistol. It’s too bad I have no interest in the 5.7 round. Other than that, I kind of like it.

I know. There's other items on my "fun" list that I have higher priorities for. Getting tangled up in the 5.7 will slow those down. The Smith 5.7 also interests me with the Tempo system. But again, don't want to go down the 5.7 path.
I saw the PR57 today, I'm definitely intrigued by it. The take down of it gives me a little pause. But it wouldn't be a carry gun for me anyway. I personally love the innovative firearms Mr Kellgren comes up with, even if some of it is wild looking as all get out to me. A 5.7 something or other will most likely end up in my stable. I never thought I would like the 5.7 until I shot the 57 Rock when it first hit the market. Being as I worked at PSA building AK's at the time, my shift lead bought a very early rock, he had it decked out with a comp, red dot, trigger work, etc. the thing was like shooting a .22lr.
That's my wonder and like Frulk said, 21 rounds should be enough for any self defence situation.

I kinda like it because it's absurd, the price is great too but I've been burned before on the first run of KelTec and being a beta tester
My rule is never buy a new gun until 12 months after it's released. The workers who make the parts, assemble, and test need time to get over the learning curve of what to look for and do to make things to the specs and standards to make the guns work. That's not a Kel Tec specific thing, that's industry wide.

Much of the bad experiences people had in the past were with older Kel Tec designs like the PF9 and P3AT. Thus probably did have issues related to the design, they were super light pistols and that could have contributed, the .380 was basically just dropped into the P32 and from what I've seen others say the .32's just ran better than the .380s, and again, probably a lot of people who bought them got them the first year they were released.

Good thing about Kel Tec is they are small and respond quickly to production issues unlike big behemoths like Beretta who took decades to fix the cracking issues in their .32 Tomcat.
When the pics leaked a week ago, I was intrigued that Kel Tec was going back to its roots with the internal magazine from the Grendel .380 days, but I wasn't feeling the 5.7, however I understand why they went with that as for an internal magazine you want as high a capacity as possible. Going with an internal mag also means the grip length and width can be reduced a little because the box magazine is eliminated and that's big with 5.7 pistols because the cartridge is very long.

As stated, 20 rounds is probably enough to take care of any situation and really, how many guys are even carrying a spare mag these days? I criticize people for not doing it, but if they're not then the detachable magazine offers little over an internal magazine.

The cost of the ammo also had me disinterested, but upon further review the price of 5.7 has come down significantly with some places selling it for $21 a box on sale. That very well may be the basement for the caliber, but if so that's not bad compared to where it was in the past. I'm still not sold on the 5.7 out of a pistol, it seems weak and there are as many cons as there are pros, but in the right situation, whatever situation that is, the 5.7 could be superior to a 9mm. I'd have to wargame that a bit more.

The clips look like something people with 3D printers are going to play around with improving and I'm sure 20 round clips will be coming in the future, in fact I think extended grip floorplates to up the capacity of this to 30 rounds is likely coming. That'll be a long grip, but 30 rounds of 5.7 in a $350 pistol? Awesome.

Normally in these instances I'd be thinking about a PCC that shared mags with the pistol, but 5.7 PCC's still aren't as good as 5.56 and even if I did want a 5.7 PCC, there's nothing wrong with pairing this Kel Tec internal mag pistol with it.

I had little interest in the 5.7 prior to this, but seeing the prices of the ammo now, plus the price of the pistol, Kel Tec may have done the unthinkable and gotten me to seriiously consider buying a 5.7.

2025 is looking like it will be a wild year.
I have seen several posts, oh my, oh dear, with two 10 round strippers, how do I ever get the 21st shot in?

It is light and flat, a good IWB.
You don't have to worry about Grandma stuffing magazines and racking the slide, leave her a 20- shooter and she can guard the knitting.
Oh k-a-a-a-y...

Just does not trip my trigger.

And I'm a guy who's owned three Kel-Tecs. I've been pleased with all of them, but see no application for this one except as a range toy.
. . . in fact I think extended grip floorplates to up the capacity of this to 30 rounds is likely coming. That'll be a long grip, but 30 rounds of 5.7 in a $350 pistol? Awesome.

I hadn't noticed that the bottom of the grip is removable until you mentioned it. Looks like a pin locks it in place.

I was wondering how to unload the gun in case the slide were to lock up on the gun. I guess knocking that pin out and sliding that grip plate forward is the way to do that. That would also offer easier magwell cleaning, too.