KelTec's new PR57

Another thought crossed my mind for folks that have to use shooting ranges.

This would seem best as an indoor shooting range gun where cease fires are rare. At an outdoor shooting range, when a ceasefire is called and you have just loaded your gun, I guess you'll be shucking all the rounds out of the gun one by one? Or pop that grip bottom off, if you brought a pin punch with you?
Unloading for cleaning was my first thought.
I saw a Kel-Tec story on the NRA Rifleman show this week.
They harkened back to the broom handled Mauser ideas.
They showed the new Wyoming factory where it's made with everything USA.
Recoil for old hands is a consideration if it smacks like a 38 special lightweight snubby.
Ammo price & availability & cost of new reloading dies is a factor.
I'm interested.
I'll admit I like some things about the PR57 on paper. No extra mag costs. The mag can't accidentally eject. Capacity. Size of the gun. The cartridge seems sufficient.

It seems like it would make a dandy theoretical throwaway gun. Shoot 'til empty, then throw it at your adversary Hollywood style.
I'll admit I like some things about the PR57 on paper. No extra mag costs. The mag can't accidentally eject. Capacity. Size of the gun. The cartridge seems sufficient.

It seems like it would make a dandy theoretical throwaway gun. Shoot 'til empty, then throw it at your adversary Hollywood style.
It weighs 12 oz so I'm not sure it's an effective throwing weapon lol
Another thought crossed my mind for folks that have to use shooting ranges.

This would seem best as an indoor shooting range gun where cease fires are rare. At an outdoor shooting range, when a ceasefire is called and you have just loaded your gun, I guess you'll be shucking all the rounds out of the gun one by one? Or pop that grip bottom off, if you brought a pin punch with you?
While I don't think this gun qualfies for most competitions, it would be a pain to load and make ready, show clear or deal with a mandatory reload. Probably a pain in most classes for the same reason. Might be an underwear drawer gun - that's what the ad suggests, despite the suggestion of carry.
I have to agree with Brandon Herrera that this is peak Kel-Tec. The ammo issue is likely going to be more an issue than stripper clips to load.
It's cool and all, but, probably not my cup of tea. (Says the person bidding on Astra broomhandles--trust me, I grok absurd.)
I'll wait for the PR30. Same idea, but .30SC instead of 5.7mm. Maybe they could even do a fat grip with a quad stack.

I can dream, at least.
The other Firearms Manufacturers will copy the PR57, just like they do with ALOT of Kel Tec guns. THEN it will be the coolest thing since sliced bread. :D
I have absolutely no need for this but I'm still intrigued. It would be a cool little survival pistol if it is accurate and sights well regulated.
I have absolutely no need for this but I'm still intrigued. It would be a cool little survival pistol if it is accurate and sights well regulated.

I wonder about those fixed sights. Seems like the gun is really meant to be a red dot gun. Bummer.

I like red dots, but I also like non red dot guns that can have the sights changed out to suit the user.
I'd rather Kel-Tec get in cahoots with Rock Island Armory and make a 22 TCM. I love Kel-Tec's PMR 30, and the 22TCM would be for me an added value over the 5.7. even though there is only one bullet made for the 22TCM by Armscor.
I don't understand why Rock Island doesn't get SAAMI classification for the 22TCM. For the money, they make really good 1911s.