Kidnapped girl in FL found dead

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No change in the criminal justice system, short of "damn the trials -- shoot all suspects" would have made a difference.
There are lots of changes that can, and do make a difference. Elimination of plea bargaining would be an excellent place to begin. The "rap sheet" on the dirtbag in question is almost certainly incomplete in terms of all of the crimes with which he was charged. Three strikes and you're out laws are another excellent tool.
Since then, Smith has been on probation almost continually.
Well duh! How often do we get to hear this one? WoD Wod WOD well too bad! That the Wod sucks doesn't give that person a pass to break the damn law every couple of months for over a decade.

We could stop taking repeat offender dirtbags (whatever their offense) lightly. Their continuous anti-social behavior is God's way of telling us that one got out of the oven half-baked! There is something wrong with them. They are hell bent on committing crimes. Why is that so hard to understand?
So isn't this guy on our side?
Reason # 1,987,054,362 that I'll never be able to take liberals seriously.

No he's not on my side at least. I'm totally in favor of letting people carry unlicensed provided they aren't criminals.
If anything at all can be taken away from this, it is to better train and more closely guard your children.
Yeah. I saw a CBS news segment on this, they basically said it was the little girl's fault for not knowing Wing Chung Fu. Not a word was spoken about how insane it is for a society to let amoral repeat offender scum troll the streets for fresh meat. Reason # 1,987,054,363 that I'll never be able to take liberals seriously.

Funny how these predators seem to take kids in places where they feel welcome. Places where they can almost be assured that the judge will take into account that the scumbag grew up without a pony. They are supposed to be nuttier than a fruitcake, and yet they somehow know who they can count on to release them so they can indulge in their criminal behavior again. Remarkable really, when you think about it.

Not a lot of child predators out in rural America where we just don't abide scum... hmmmm...
He was acquitted.

So was O.J.

This sentence from the article is written in a very biased manner.


I tend to believe what I've heard about the incident as related from his intended victim. I stand by my original point - not being convicted doesn't mean he didn't commit the crime.

John Gotti was only convicted in ONE of a handful of trials he received, but that didn't mean that the authorities went and buried their heads in the sand and cried in their beers. They kept track of him and built a new case; the authorities were remiss in not doing so with a man with such obvious potential, as in this instance. I'll ask a question again: what did one expect this man to do with his first victim, had he not been thwarted?
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