Las Vegas Range Day

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I guess we made a "believer" out of you after all! I was there from 11:00 - 5:00 yesterday and had a chance to tell our story to more than a few skeptics. They all came away with a new found knowledge that there is a tremendous amount of committment to this project.

If anyone has continued interest, our monthly Citizens Advisory Committee meeting is Tuesday, 8/22 at the Government Center. It is always open to any member of the public that wishes to attend.
....the only "we" I saw there was Don Turner and The Gun Lady.......(1:00-2:30)
and as far as making me a "believer", THAT is a decision I will make on my own; largely based on the support necessarily generated for the County Commission meeting....
I DO hope this endeavor reaches fruition, as I've said. I also realize that without the efforts of Don this dream would remain just that; despite the noble efforts of what must be so many committed supporters. Naysayers and skeptics may still be well-grounded, but Don seems to have plans to address ALL of them. May he and all associated be successful.
Our talking point yesterday focussed on the "paradigm shift" necessary for such a project sooooooooo far outside-of-the-box. Convincing politicians to throw even pennies at such a clean-sheet-of-paper will be a challenge. It really ain't over 'til The Fat Lady Sings, and she's scheduled for October. Win or lose.
(Remember, it IS a Clark County Park, with some protocols, policies and approvals yet to be decided....)
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