LCR in 22LR—22WMR-9mm-38-357- which one for you-?

Ed Bulldog

Mar 13, 2024
First- this is not a caliber debate
My following question is to see what other LCR/LCRX EDC are using and why-?

I have narrowed my next Snubby purchase to a LCR/LCRX - I like the trigger


1) For those that EDC a LCR/LCRX - what caliber do you EDC-?
2) your pros and cons

Once again - this is not a caliber debate
It is an inquiry to learn

Thank you
LCR 357 - not too heavy for a pocket, not unpleasant to shoot, common caliber. If it weren't for the last one I might consider the 32 or 327 as well.
I have two .327 Magnum LCRs. They have a six round cylinder.

Each LCR has a different grip installed to facilitate different types of carry.

One has the full-size Hogue Black Rubber Tamer Cushion Grip without Finger Grooves. (I've discovered finger grooves don't allow me to surreptitiously acquire a firing grip when I pocket carry.)

The other has the first generation Hamre Forge, Hamre Hook Boot Grip, without the hook grip panel. This is the LCR I carry most. The "hump" in the backstrap of the first generation Hamre Hook Boot Grip fits my hand perfectly. (I also have a .22 LR LCR fitted with this grip for practice.)

I load both LCRs so Federal .327 Magnum 104gr HST is the first round to be fired, to take advantage of the magnum's flash/bang effect. The rest of the cylinder is loaded with Federal .32 H&R Magnum 85gr JHP.

I carry a speed strip(s) loaded with the Federal 85gr HRM JHP load.

I also carry an LCP II .22 LR and spare magazine as a BUG.
My wife has one in .22LR (she's extremely recoil and blast averse.)

The trigger is atrocious, but it's been reliable and carries 8 rounds. She likes that she doesn't need to know malfunction actions (with the revolver it's just 'pull the trigger again') and doesn't have to rack a slide.

I loathe it, but she's shot perfect scores on all her CHL qualifications, and last time actually shot the best in her group, so that's what matters.

I had an LCRx in 22lr. The trigger was terrible.

My friend has an LCR in 357, and I have one in 38 special. The triggers are excellent.

I prefer the 38. It's four ounces lighter and thus easier to carry. The extra four ounces make the 357 less snappy to shoot, though.
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I've got two of the .38s with laser sights. I chose the .38s because they were available, and they had a good price. I considered trading for a used LCR 9mm, but the store didn't have the moon clips. When I carry a .357 as well (LCR is a BUG) my reloads are 38 specials.
Carried an LCR, 10-12 years now, in 38 Spl [that might have been the only chambering available at the time]. Choose it over other makers units, because I liked the trigger. Currently use the Buffalo Bore 150 gr full wad cutter ammo [or the similar Underwood loading]. The gun and load has grown to be sort of an extension of my body- can always bust an on edge clay bird at 8-10 steps. Only "change" I've made is adding a dollup of white fingernail polish on the top of the front sight ramp. The LCR is my only Snubbie - glad I have it - would get one again if I needed a replacement.
I got a 327 one mainly for the sixth round. I got it to fill the same niche as a LCP or similar. Those small semi auto guns are less than wonderfully reliable in my hands when running drills under the clock. I figured six sure rounds were better than seven maybe rounds and a quicker reload. 32 cal revolver ammo is hard to find. I'd like to get a 22lr as a training companion for the more readily available ammo.
My wife has one in .22LR (she's extremely recoil and blast averse.)

The trigger is atrocious, but it's been reliable and carries 8 rounds. She likes that she doesn't need to know malfunction actions (with the revolver it's just 'pull the trigger again') and doesn't have to rack a slide.

I loathe it, but she's shot perfect scores on all her CHL qualifications, and last time actually shot the best in her group, so that's what matters.

Very good sir. I believe in letting the ladies try handguns till they say what they want. Pity the fool that picks what HE wants a female to own and shoot.
Now the OP's question. Centerfire only for me. I'd end up shooting 38's out of the .357 so actually all three are equal.
So far the information has been very enlightening
I never considered the 327 - but the reported pros make it worth a look.

Has any one EDC the LCR in 22WMR-?
it is six rounds.

Thank you
I have LCRs in 357 and 327 magnum.

I chose the 327 model loaded with 32 H&R loads as my always carry pocket gun. The only major change i have done to this revolver is a set of Hammer Forge boot grips. The Hammer Forge grips are more to my liking and fit me well.

At the range, i load it with 32 S&W Longs for my daughter. Its recoil is so mild its like shooting a 22.

I retired my 357 to the gun safe some years back. The 32 H&R simply offers less recoil and that 6th round. The ammo options in power or recoil management with the the 32 Long, 32 H&R, or the 327 fed mag I consider a big positive.
I belatedly learned that Ruger had produced a very few 3" LCRx revolvers in 9mm. I was never able to locate one for sale. I decided that if they ever did another run, I would buy one. Well Lipsey's did commission another run, and I did buy one. I don't carry it, but certainly could. It is sufficiently accurate for a small carry revolver, the DA trigger is quite smooth, with never a light primer strike or malfunction of any kind. It is my first experience with the untraditional looking LCR revolver, but I like it..

BTW, A neighbor said he bought a .22 RF LCR for his adult daughter. He reported she could not pull the trigger. He told me he returned it to the LGS, and traded it in on a .38 LCR. Indicated his daughter could pull the .38 LCR trigger and all was well. I've not tried a .22RF LCR, but reportedly, .22 revolvers have heavier mainsprings to ensure ignition of RF ammunition..
Ruger LCRX 9mm.JPG
LCRx in the 9mm flavor with a Pachmayr Guardian grip. I have a lot of 9mm around, so no problem with ammo. It's heavier like the .357 model, so absorbs recoil well. Yet still carries well in the pocket, especially since I'm usually in cargoes or carpenter jeans.
The trigger in the LCR is no doubt my favorite DA hands down. My wife has one in 38spl. When I get one it will be in 327 simply because it has 6 holes in the cylinder. I recently tried to get the Exclusive model in 32 H&R but the owner of the little hardware store where I work a couple days a week was unable to make it happen. They were all allocated or some mess.
I like the 3 inch LCRs quite a bit, but only have one in the .22 LR. Might get that in the .38 3 inch, but at $500 that's a bit hard to swallow. For the 2 inch snubs, I am considering the .32 Mag Lipsey's announced recently as I'm increasingly disappointed with the velocities I get with the shorter .32 cartridges (S&W & H&R) when I shoot them in a .327. I say that, but someone on this forum had posted results with a variety of ammo in different .32 revolvers and the velocities with the S&W .32 Mag 432 Ultimate Carry were disappointing, however I think that's more on Smith's focus on much looser tolerances these days.

It would be disappointing to buy a .32 H&R LCR for $500 and find out it's not delivering what I was expecting.

Unlike others, I have no issues with the .22 trigger on mine, in fact that was one of the things I was most concerned with when I got a DA .22 as there appears to be nothing but trigger snobs when it comes to revolvers on this forum. There is some weight to the trigger, but it isn't disgustingly heavy and it was very smooth and predictable. I'm sure the larger grip on the 3 inch LCR's helps, so if anyone is interested in the .22 LCR, get the 3 inch LCRx.

And that brings me to the .22 Magnum: 6 rounds is an insult. There's no reason Ruger couldn't have made that LCR a 7 rounder, they just didn't feel like bothering. Hey, Taurus has no issues with 8 rounds of .22 Mag in their 942 revolver, so what gives Ruger?
Interesting point. I'll have to see if I can find that thread. I guess the LCR in 327 would be the best bet then? But with that short barrel if you can't get decent velocity with that High pressure Round, the one less hole .38 and a heavier bullet may trump that extra hole in the cylinder?
Interesting point. I'll have to see if I can find that thread. I guess the LCR in 327 would be the best bet then? But with that short barrel if you can't get decent velocity with that High pressure Round, the one less hole .38 and a heavier bullet may trump that extra hole in the cylinder?
No, the .327 gets decent velocity, but most people who buy a .327 end up shooting the .32 H&R in it instead because it's more comfortable. The argument I'm making is if you're going to use .32 H&R, don't use it in a .327 because you'll lose velocity.

As to the .38, I've been watching this youtube channel that others here recommended and it's a guy who does a lot of testing for revolvers and he's done quite a bit of testing of .32 vs .38 and whether it's a solid bullet or a hollow point, the .32's always seem to get enough to be effective, the .38s get a tiny bit more, but at the cost of one less round.

IMO, slightly more penetration that isn't necessary isn't worth giving up the 6th round.
One point that I remember reading/hearing is that the 327 magnum was developed around the Ruger SP101 with the short barrel.

Yes, the 38 special has had a lot of loads developed for short barrels, but most magnum cartridges shine with longer burn time from longer barrels.

Just a thought...
Full strength 327 in my LCR is Blasty with a capital B. My training ammo are handloads at a minimum charge weight to keep things more polite. Indoor ranges the blast can get a bit much but outdoors I haven't had issues as the shooter. My buddy holding the trimmer off to my side on the other hand....

If I make it out to the range in the next couple weeks I'll try and get some velocities from the various 32 cal round I have one hand.
1) For 38 non plus P - 90 & 110grs
How are the ballistic and penetration-?

Everyone’s responses have been very helpful

Thank you
I have used both of the Hornady Critical Defense 110 FTX loads, +p and standard pressure, and the Hornady Lite 90 grain. The 90 grain is a little light on penetration per testing from Lucky Gunner. The 110 ftx is my normal carry load either pressure is fine with me.

All three loads are manageable in my opinion. I have 3 airweight j frames. I keep the 90 grain loads on hand for my wife. She is not very tolerant to recoil.

my own experience owning and/or shooting these members of the ruger lcr lineup.

lcr 22lr. still have it. swapped short ruger grips to longer ruger grips, which greatly improves geometry in my hand, but still ok as a holstered (not pocket) ccw. beware that a rapid ammo dump (how i would employ any 22lr handgun for protection) can lock the cylinder when you all too easily short stroke the lcr 22lr’s trigger. i wish that mine had an exposed hammer for single action capability. i like my lcr 22lr better than the s&w 317 22lr revolver, which i sold. i prefer to shoot & carry my ruger sr22 over my lcr 22lr.

lcr 22wmr. gone. way too much distracting flashbang, only six shots, from its snubbie barrel for little more result over 22lr. 22wmr is best out of my 5.5” ruger single six.

lcr 327mag. shot a cousin’s. excellent in 32long, fine in 32mag, obnoxious in 327mag. assuming that one solves the ammo supply question, this is the one lcr that i recommend without hesitation, over all the others, i.m.e.

lcr 38sp. gone. i simply prefer the s&w snubbie experience in my hand. the longer grip improves this lcr though. way less aftermarket choices for grips & holsters than is enjoyed by s&w (and taurus) snubbies.

lcr-x 38sp. bought it because it was cheap at $300, and i was intrigued with its 3” barrel and exposed hammer. its standard longer grips serve it very well. seems best suited as a trail, field & stream, sidearm, carried in a shoulder holster, because it is so thin and lightweight. its longer barrel and single action capability give it more accuracy. however, it wont be my daily ccw as its 3” barrel is uncomfortable when i am seated, driving.
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