Lee Dipper Users

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As others have ably posted, the dippers work just fine and when properly used give very consistent results, but the sliding chart is most always not 'accurate', most often giving a lighter load than a reloader wants. (read lawyer-ese for CYA)

I have used the dippers, the Lee Perfect powder dispenser and mostly now the Auto-Pro disk. For batch reloading IMHO the Perfect measure is faster to use since you don't need a funnel to avoid spill over.

For my use, I load low-mid range plinking ammo and would feel well served using any of the methods or dispenser styles. Pistol reloading 'usually' involves higher volumes of ammo, and I have no need for 'gnat's eyelash' levels of charge weight 'accuracy'.
I have always contended that it is consistent if care is taken to be consistent with the dipping technique, but have not run the tests to REALLY prove it since 1978 when I did it rather informally and didn't write anything down.

Do you have any observations about the variance in weight that might be useful to the rest of us?

I'm not sure how to work out the statistics on this, but when I measure the sum aggregate of ten scoops of AutoComp (DIY scoops, 4-8 grain-sized, 3/16" brass tubes for the smaller charges and .380 shells for the big ones), I seem to always get the same number within a tenth or two. But that's a dense powder with small grains.
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You could saw and file the brass down to where it drops a very consistent amount

Another way is to drip wax into the empty case, and through trial and error, fill the case with enough wax so that it will then hold the exact amount of powder needed. it dries hard and smooth and powder doesn't stick to it. i also sometimes use Lee dippers, but as RC said, confirm the volume.
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