LEO sells DVD telling how to avoid drug arrests

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Good for him

When Alcohol was illegal the mafia made huge profits. Modern drug cartels are doing the same thing.
I hate pot, I think it is a gateway drug, I think it is a stupid and addictive drug.
I feel the same way about beer, liquor and tobacco.
If you are in favor of keeping drugs illegal then you are in favor of insuring children can buy it and you are in favor of wealthy criminal drug cartels and smuggling and prostitution. Legalize drugs and regulate them like cig's and beer.
When I was 12 I could buy any illegal drug I wanted, but I had a hard time getting beer.
Keeping drugs illegal is good for criminals and bad for civil rights.

The war on Alcohol gave us Ted Kennedy! we are sure to get worse from the war on drugs.
Again with the gateway drug thing.

I know so many people who smoke pot (actually, I'm pretty much the only person I personally know who doesn't...) and only one of them is into 'hard' drugs, and it wasn't a result of pot.

The "gateway drug" theory was invented by a different set of antis than the ones we usually deal with when it turned out that their previous "pot psychosis" theory (see also: Reefer Madness for a good laugh) turned out to be... well, BS. And they needed some excuse to continue drug prohibition because it had mutated into good business.

The gateway drug theory is somewhat supported by drug prohibition itself; That is, in order to get your (conveniently illegal) pot the process involves dealing with various shady characters who also deal in other (illegal) drugs.

Vercetti's law: If you want to find the criminals, just look where the money is.

Anyway, good on the cop. His voice in the political arena will be limited as long as he keeps his current job, but this is an interesting take on things.
If you are in favor of keeping drugs illegal then you are in favor of insuring children can buy it and you are in favor of wealthy criminal drug cartels and smuggling and prostitution. Legalize drugs and regulate them like cig's and beer.
Utterly false dilema.
I pot hadn't been made criminal, we'da never had the scourge of meth.
How do you figure?
If pot is a gateway to anything it is a gateway to criminality, but not because of the drug itself. If you put a person, particularly a younger person, into a position where it makes sense to break a law (or doesnt make sense to follow one) then the whole idea of laws = good can go away and lead to laws = debatable. When the government gives you lots of little laws that arent worth following it makes it easier to ignore the big ones.

Think about how many people have become unconvicted felons at some time in their life in ways that never harmed another soul, makes the whole stigma go away. It turns life into a game of not getting caught rather than not doing anything illegal. Thats why half the country gets nervous when they see a cop in their rear-view mirror despite the fact that they have never done anything to hurt another soul in their lives. You dont need to be a bad person to be a criminal anymore.
Getting busted at 17

for a little pot and the big stink it made in my life for years afterward turned me into a bitter liberal for a long time....Clinton violating prop 215 and the whole AWB thing turned me to conservatism .

Good for the ex cop, lets keep this thread on topic not about the pro's and cons of weed etc?!

thats one deader then a doornail horse
1. The article says he "plans to" launch the new video. Will be interesting to see what misfortune befalls this venture. DHS raids his house? National security concerns? His family threatened? Sudden tax problems for his "ministry"? Everyone has vulnerabilities that can be exploited, when they tug on superman's cape. :uhoh:

2. Who was the THR narc who advocated coffee cans and dryer sheets constitute probable cause for a cavity search? Now that was entertainment! This excerpt from the article caught my eye:
The promotion has Cooper saying he is going to show people through actual footage of his busts how to not get caught, how to "conceal their stash (do coffee grounds really work?)," "avoid narcotics profiling" and how to "fool canines every time."
how to "fool canines every time."

This part I wanna see....Having known and worked dogs with some K-9, and private "drug dogs", I've seen them in action. "Fooling" them (again I've seen it demonstrated) is just short of impossible (I would almost say impossible, but I guess nothing is). One of the more famous cases occurred in Texas (not sure if it was in "his" area or not). The LEOs had just purchased a new drug dog, and it was coming in that day (by airplane IIRC). They had stopped a vehicle that they had been tipped would be carrying a fairly large quantity of pot, and had stopped the vehicle (a truck), but had not found any drugs. Brought out the dog, as soon as its arrived (basically at the same time the vehicle was being stopped. The dog went over to the vehicle and immediately alerted on the gas tanks (it had 2). Lo and behold the pot (several pounds) have been packed in sealed steel pipe, inside and under the level of gasoline in the tank. Dog found it anyway.

In short, I would never harbor any illusions of "fooling" a good drug-dog. Probably not impossible (may depend on the dog), but I WOULD bet on the dog every time.
"When I was raiding houses and destroying families, my conscience was telling me it was wrong, but my need for power, fame and peer acceptance overshadowed my good conscience."

At least he is willing to be honest, and is trying to do something about it.

Maybe if a few million others listened to their conscience....
I dont think the topic is about smoking dope at all . It does draw attention to the fact that many in LE , judges , prosecuters , and ordinary Joes are convinced the War is not only axiomatically doomed to failure , but a farce and a fraud of biblical proportions . They see the war as what is destroying america , not the drugs OR the guns .
Many government regulators end up working for the industry they formerly regulated.

It is inevitable that some former LEO will follow that well worn career path.
Whether or not Pot Chemicaly or Psychologicaly leads you into other drugs has been argued by experts for years and I'm not an expert. I do believe that it tends to put users in with groups that are using the harder stuff and opens the door in that way. Heavy Pot usage has shown to be damaging to the brain and of course so has Alcohol, Nicotine and the like. Don't like to see a former LEO helping anyone in this situation.
Gunsmith... 1+++

People should have the choice to decide what goes into their bodies; weather its organic/ non-organic food, booze, tobacco products, ink, piercings, or drugs. As long as you are an adult, in your own home, i see no reason why you cant. And, if you commit a crime due to it, then you suffer the consequences. There are so many reasons to legalize drugs, but the largest is your freedom as an individual to make an informed decision.
It always makes the establishment nervous when former champions of the cause switch sides. I give this guy credit for having the stones to come out in public and say this. For certain he will face significant blowback, not only from the LEO community, but also from the ardent law and order supporters.
Thumbs up to the guy for doing what he thinks is the right thing. I don't necessarily agree with his view point that people need protecting from other drugs while allowing them to use pot and am more the pro legalization of everything stance myself but thats a slightly different debate.
Good luck to him!

The more "traitors", deserters and AWOLers in the "War on Drugs" the better--it is the only hope for this idiocy ending.
From Linked Article:

Cooper argues that people are being sentenced to long prison terms for drugs when murderers, child molesters and rapists are getting shorter sentences.

That is the biggest tragedy of them all. I believe that if we legalize it the more negative aspects of the street pharmaceutical industry will be forced to find new work. IF they go into other forms of crime then we can target that. However we will have a prison system with more room for the real criminals such as rapists, murderers, and child molesters.
The only possible way I think you could guarantee a dog wouldn't get a hit is if the substance had been sealed in a perfect container without releasing so much as a single molecule, or leaving a single molecule on the outside of the container. Then store it inside another perfectly sealed container. Never, ever, ever let any substance be exposed, and I would say that in theory it would be impossible for the dog to find it. From what I remember of the bulletins posted online, smugglers have tried stuff like that before, by dumping bricks into sealed canisters of liquids (I want to say they used caulk once). But I don't remember if they found it because of a hit from the dog, or just happened to search the container and discovered it.
How DARE someone inform the masses about their rights during interactions with the police!!!!!!!!!!! In all seriousness I worked in LE and I did drug interdicition on I-45, and I've caught pounds of drugs. I think this guy is not that far off from what I believe. Interdiction is profilling, followed by Coercion. A cop sees 2 black males heading north bound in an older car, so he pulls them over. Then he "asks" them if he can search their car. They agree. Sometimes he finds something, but 95% nothing. Anyway these are just my personal opinions. I don't do drungs and never have, but I don't think that this guy is all that bad. If all he does is inform people about the LAW, or their RIGHTS, I don't see a problem with that.
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