Most online retailers aren't gonna have it "cheap". In fact, I'll go as far as to say alot of them are the kings of gouging, and it's a toss up between them for who gets the crown with the most jewels in that respect. The bigger shop I use occasionally has 9 for $9.99/50 box on their big sale days, and usually every week they'll have one brand or another for $10.49/50box. Of course, theyll always have a pallet in the store if you want more than a couple boxes, and usually no limit. Every other place I walk into their everyday low price is $14.99, when it's on sale you might get a buck off that. Not having a 9mm yet(soon tho), I can't really say if 9.99 is a great price, but I can say that at today's component pricing I couldn't load it for that, so to me, that would be cheap. Even at that number online, you still got shipping