Let's hear it for Barrett !!!... BRAVO!

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Dec 26, 2002
Anywhere necessary
In their American Rifleman ad this month, they are carrying the message that due to California's banning of the .50 BMG for citizens, Barrett will no longer sell to or SERVICE guns from any.......GOVERNMENT AGENCY.... in California.

I wish they made a lot of other stuff so I could buy it to say "thanks" for that statement.

:) :) :)
I bought a T-shirt and M82A1 keychain from them. Drives my communist boss crazy :eek:
Need to get the ammo makers in on this too!

Barret had the whole letter a couple months ago in the Rifleman stating that they were doing this, and why.

Most of the LEOs here in IL cary Glocks. A foreign gun that might be made here, but the parent company is in a foreign country that also has very restrictive gun laws.
As much as I apalud Barrett, if the American gun companies boycotted the state govts with restrictive laws, nothing would change. These states would just go to foreign companies and buy their black guns.

We citizens, 'er servants of the crown, get screwed no matter what.

I'm glad Barrett did this...they are the best of the big boy rifles....it may not make him popular in Cali and I'm sure more than one cop will be pissed, but hey, you can't have your cake and all that.
Why would the cops be pissed? All those .50BMG rifles are good for is blowing up nuclear power plants, shooting down planes, and indiscriminately mowing down school children. :rolleyes:
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I don't know if we should trust policemen with guns, because guns are dangerous, and cause violence, and dead children.

(I am of course joking but I could see Brady saying this.)
Yes indeed. Not so much anymore. Makes a guy sad...

Well, nothing will change until "sad" changes to "mad."

PEOPLE put the creeps in office. Ignorant people, but people nevertheless.
Remember, it is YOUR government that has put Social Security in jeopardy and is teaching the younger generation not to expect ANYTHING.

And YOUR government approved NAFTA, GATT and "Most Favored Nation" status for China.

And PEOPLE will still support WalMart and its Chinese junk because they have been TAUGHT (starting with Satan Reagan) that "globalism" and tax breaks for corporations are ...GOOD...for American workers. As an example, how many times have you heard that it is YOUR responsibility to become all that you can be? And then see another "trade agreement" approved.

All lies. As are all the lies about .50 BMG criminal usage.
What Barrett is doing is great, but as far as for not selling to any government agency in California, it isn't like Barrett has a lot of government contracts there. The big money is with the military contracts and the US military in California will get all the Barretts they want.

It isn't the same thing as when Glock, Sig, Beretta, or S&W gets a contract from a large department for 5,000, 10,000, or 20,000 guns. LAPD might have, what, 2 or 3 Barretts?

So what will all those California agencies do to get Barretts? Simple, they will pay a little more and order them through a 3rd party vendor. They can get all the parts they want the same way.

I understand the sentiment that Barrett is sticking it to California, but keep in mind that the people that might be most hurt by his political efforts won't be the politicians who came up with the stupid notions of banning the guns, but the officers who would be deployed with the Barretts and the officers they support. The people Barrett is sticking it to are not the ones who need and use the guns.
Double Naught Spy said:
I understand the sentiment that Barrett is sticking it to California, but keep in mind that the people that might be most hurt by his political efforts won't be the politicians who came up with the stupid notions of banning the guns, but the officers who would be deployed with the Barretts and the officers they support. The people Barrett is sticking it to are not the ones who need and use the guns.

It will be the people who created, nurtured, and took joy in a hoplophobic culture. I have sympathy for them if they suffer, but had they taken more care at the ballot box, CA wouldn't be the cesspool of Constitutional disobedience it has become.

Besides, let the police use Remington 700s in .308. If they wanted Barrett .50BMGs that badly, they would not have been primary advocates for their banning. If weapons themselves are that dangerous, we should not allow even the police to possess them.

boofus- I looked on Barrett's website for the keychain, but only found a tie tack. Where did you get that keychain?
Exactly. The .gov of California screwed him with the full support of the law enforcement brass. Too bad Colt didn't do the same to the fed.gov in '86. That wold have been interesting.
In their American Rifleman ad this month, they are carrying the message that due to California's banning of the .50 BMG for citizens, Barrett will no longer sell to or SERVICE guns from any.......GOVERNMENT AGENCY.... in California.
Old news.

VERY old news.
boofus said:
I bought a T-shirt and M82A1 keychain from them. Drives my communist boss crazy :eek:


I bought the real M82 when the commies banned 'em here in CA! Kudos to Barrett for dumping an extra 100+ of the SEMI-AUTO .50cals alone into this state in record time (they were working 14+ hour shifts aparently at times.)
If they wanted Barrett .50BMGs that badly, they would not have been primary advocates for their banning. If weapons themselves are that dangerous, we should not allow even the police to possess them.
Exactly right. Why on earth should anyone in a police department be considered any more trustworthy than a private citizen?

Because they've had a background check?
Well ... a lot of us have had one. (thanks to DOD contracts, I've had a MUCH deeper background check than the vast majority of LEOs - just can't really use it for anything. It's all about the seekrits. ;) )

Because they've had training?
Lot's of private citizens have been to Gunsite, Thunder Ranch, etc. There are a lot of people out there that have taken the time, and spent their own money to get training. Just as there are a lot of LEOs out there that have done the same on their own for the same reasons.

Because they get a lot more practice?
Some of them do. Some of them don't. LEOs are just like citizens wrt guns. Some of them are collectors, affecionados, nuts. Some of them consider guns an evil they need for their job and that's it. There are citizen gun nuts that probably get 10-100 times the practice that some leos get.

At the end of the day, when it comes to firearms, the police are just like normal citizens but in uniform. Why on earth do they merit having access to rights that are doled out to citizens as privileges?
I told my wife about this ban and Barrett's response. Her response: "That's awesome! That's freakin' awesome!! Hey, we should get one!"

I love my wife! :D
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